Chapter 3 - Arendall

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I don't know how long I was holding onto Sanalei, but by the time I notice...It was already nightfall. I told her about how I am planning to go to the nearby city of Arendall to register at the adventurer's guild. When I mentioned I was going to the city her face darkened and she became depressed.

"Would you like to come with me....princess?" (Sora)

"Yes!" (Sanalei -> Sana)

Her response was immediate, and it made me feel sad because it showed just how lonely she truly was out here, being by herself. Before I took her with me to Arendall we decided to spend the night in the shack, since it'll be her last night here.

The bed was small so when I woke up, we were spooning with her wrapped in my arms. Since she was smiling in her sleep I decided it might be better just to wait for her to wake up, so for about half an hour I was lying in bed holding Sanalei.

After she woke up, we had some leftover vegetable soup, with bread for breakfast then set out to find Arendall. We made sure she had the necessities with her before we left, and some money for the tax to enter the city, as well as for the guild registration.

I have creation magic so why can't I make money? Well although I have enough knowledge to understand the currency system in the world, there was never a photograph of what the currency looks like so I don't know how to make it. That is the limit of my creation magic right now. I need detailed knowledge of what I want to create as well as all the necessary parts, or resources needed to make it. So I can't just make a gun out of thin air, I need the proper materials for it. I have the knowledge of guns in this world, as well as a small amount of knowledge of them from my previous life. However, guns are complicated so the quality may not be the best if I try making it myself.

So without copper, silver, or gold, I can't craft the currency. The goddess said that since Creation magic can become very powerful, that it would be more efficient to put points into other skills, and just level up creation magic over time with practice. Also that I shouldn't let people know that I have it, since no one has known creation magic for over 3000 years.

The currency works as one would expect it 10 Small Copper = 1 Medium Copper, 10 Medium Copper = 1 Large Copper, 10 Large Copper = 1 Small Silver, and it repeats the same process through silver, gold, and platinum. Right now we have 2 Small Gold coins on us, one should be enough to get us both into the city and get our registration taken care of with enough left over for a few nights stay at a decent inn. The currency on the human continent is called Rulds and 1 Ruld is equal to 1 Small Copper. So let's say someone charges us 2,500 Ruld, then we would hand over approximately 2 Small Silver, and 5 Large Copper.

At the moment the Elf Continent has adopted this system of currency but the beastmen and the demons are still using different systems of currency on their respective continent.

As we walked down a dirt-road for about an hour, we could finally see the outer walls of Arendall in the distance. So...taking a short break to drink some water and eat a little bit of dried fruit, we continued down the road towards the city.

When we covered around half the distance to the city from when we took a break, my ears twitched as they started picking up movement not too far behind us. It sounded like it might've been a carriage so I was going to ignore it until I heard a scream.

"Kreeeeeiiiii~" (Goblins)

"H-help us!!!" (Human Female)

Turning around I saw a young woman holding the reins trying to tell the horses to hurry up, but in the back of the carriage there was a man fighting off a small group of goblins. Usually since it was goblins you wouldn't think they were in need of assistance, however these people didn't seem like they were adventurers. They were probably just normal Peasants or merchants.

"Sana....stay close...." (Sora)

"Un~!" (Sana)

We ran the opposite direction of the city, towards the carriage with the couple on it. When the girl saw us it seemed like she was about to slow the carriage down.

"Don't stop the carriage!!" (Sora)

As me and Sana got close enough to the carriage, we jumped aboard before it rode passed us. I had restricted Sana to using low tier - intermediate tier magic spells when in front of other people, since we don't want any unwanted attention. So as soon as we set food on the speeding carriage, she immediately casted the basic spells, wind cutter, and water bullet on the goblins.

I still had no weapon, so all I could do was either use the same spells as Sana, or punch and kick the goblins off the carriage.

The fight didn't last too long once me and Sana joined the fray. A few goblins that were thrown off, lived and ran into the forest.

After the fighting had ended, we helped them push the goblin corpses off as the girl continued driving the carriage. One thing about this world that I wasn't happy to learn about was how foul goblins smelled after they were killed.

"Thank you so much for helping us!" (Young Man)

"Nonono, don't mention it. We were just doing what anyone should do." (Sora)

"Un~!" (Sana)

For some reason, Sana hasn't been as talkative as she was back at her home. Perhaps she is just nervous, I mean it HAS been around 3,000 years since she has been around other people so it would be normal to have difficulty communicating with others.

"My name is Sora, and this is Sana. We were going to Arendall to register in the adventurer's guild." (Sora)

"Well I think you two will definitely be able to pass the aptitude test! By the way my name is Guln and this is my sister Celi we work at an inn in the city. We just had to go back to our village to get our things since we will be working as live-in employees" (Guln)

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. If it's not too much trouble mind giving us a lift to the city gates?" (Sora)

"Of course it's no problem!! You saved our lives so of course we will help you in return! If you come by the inn we work at we promise you will enjoy a great night's rest with delicious cooking! It's called 'The Golden Hog'" (Celi)

I smiled, and told them I would take them up on their kind offer.

After we reach the city gates we got off and said goodbye to Guln and Celi, and stood in front of the guard.

"Welcome to the city of Arendall, identification please." (Guard 1)

"Sorry, we don't have any identification papers yet, we just left our village not too long ago, and plan to register ourselves at the Adventurers Guild." (Sora)

"Very well, a guard will accompany you until he can confirm your Guild cards. So please don't dawdle too much." (Guard 1)

"Understood, thank you very much sir." (Sora)

"Oi Beltron!! Accompany these two to the adventurer's guild!" (Guard 1)

"Ha~iii" (Beltron)

So like that, Sana and I were able to enter the city of Arendall, but we couldn't waste time looking around, and decided to follow the guard Beltron to the Adventurers Guild.

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