( thirty-nine )

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It was nice to see the dropship, Harley thought to herself, despite the circumstances they were under

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It was nice to see the dropship, Harley thought to herself, despite the circumstances they were under. The last time she was here wasn't pleasant, considering that Lincoln had nearly died there after he became a reaper. If she spent time remembering it, she'd hear his endless screams sounding animal like ringing in her ears. She shuddered at the thought, attempting to take her mind elsewhere, but only seeing the dusty bones of people burned during the war. It wasn't any better. Harley could see Murphy nearly step on a sooty skull, but she quickly grabbed his elbow and pulled him back before he could.

Murphy looked back, giving Harley a curt nod in thanks as she released his arm. This time, he was much more cautious of where he stepped, but held his gun more loosely. The weapon only reminded Harley of the handgun pressed against her upper thigh. The weight placed a pressure on her chest, revolted by the idea of having to use it against a grounder. All she wanted to do is have peace, but she couldn't shoot someone to do so.

Continuing to pace forward, the pair approached the long cloth that Murphy brushed to the side, allowing them room. When entering, instead of being greeted with smiles as Harley expected, there were two guns belonging to Raven and Bellamy. "Woah!" She exclaimed, lifting her hands up in defense at the same time Murphy had before they could be shot.

"Murphy? Harley?" Bellamy spoke, confused by their presence but choosing to keep his gun upright. "What are you two doing here?"

"I believe I was invited," Murphy responded, motioning to Harley, who had told him about the invite given by Raven as he lowered his hands. Harley followed in suit, knowing it was just a reaction from their hasty entrance.

Backing him up, Raven reached out, making Bellamy put his gun down. "I thought we could use extra guns," she explained. "I told Harley to meet us here with him."

Understanding, Bellamy patted his firearm and nodded towards the two. "Might be a good idea."

"Finn should've been right behind you," Raven said, eyeing the opening of the dropship again, in hopes that he would appear after them.

As far as Harley knew, there was no one behind her and Murphy. The pair walked on their own, while he listened to the girl go on about everything in annoyance. She was a bit distracted, but couldn't recall anyone close-by. "Sorry, Raven," she apologized, walking further into the dropship. "We didn't see Finn or Clarke. They should be here soon, though!" Raven nodded back, showing she heard, but her lips were firmly pressed together in worry.

"Don't worry," Murphy cut in, sounding more mocking compared to Harley's kind and assuring tone. "The spacewalker's gonna be fine."

As it turned out, Murphy was right. Finn was fine, Harley found out, when he entered the dropship completely unharmed in what seemed like hours afterwards. In his arms was draped an unconscious Clarke, with blood escaping from her forehead. Harley gasped softly, alarmed, and jumping from her sitting position. "Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed.

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