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Out of respect, Harley kept her chin up and her hands held loosely in front of her

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Out of respect, Harley kept her chin up and her hands held loosely in front of her. The funeral ritual was beginning, and it was what she expected. She was stricken with sorrow, her gaze focused on the ceremony before her. Finn's body, all wrapped up, was laid out on a pile of branches, and leaning against them was more bodies, equally wrapped up. Harley didn't have to see any of their faces to know that it was a terrible mix of deceased men, women and children. She inhaled shakily, fighting back the tears that threatened to pour from the overwhelming emotions.

"Kru kom Tomdisi," Lexa announced, her voice clear and loud. "Gon faya, osir wada klin de laudness kom de foutaim." (People on Tondc. In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.)

From behind Octavia and Harley, Lincoln repeated in a quiet mumble what Lexa had said in English in translation to make it clear. "People on Tondc. In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past."

A lit torch was passed over to Lexa, the red and orange flames highlighting her features. She held it in the air for a second, before holding it out into the direction of Clarke. "Clarke," she said, simple, giving her the option to do so. The grounders grew restless, quietly whispering to each other, only silenced when Clarke brushed aside her hesitation and grasped the torch.

It was easy to see the tears welling in Clarke's eyes as she held the torch downwards, brushing the flames to the branches. "Yu gonplei ste odon," she uttered, voice cracking and soft with emotion. (Your fight is over.)

It didn't take long for the flames to spread quickly. Harley watched as they flickered at first, beginning small, before more of the structure was engulfed in flames. The corpses burned as well, and Harley watched, saddened as they became black with soot. She let her eyelids flutter shut, feeling a single tear stream down her cheek. Harley supposed that she would have to get used to people dying, as so many had done.

It may be an easy cycle to get used to, Harley figured, when the two seperate people had gathered into the dining hall for a feast. She had wished they'd more so come together, be true allies, but understood there was still hesitation. After all, they had been fighting a war since the dropship had landed. Instead, the grounders remained on one side of the long table and Harley with her people remained on the other. She stood with a warm smile in between Clover and Abby, hands clasped together, staring back at the grounders who only retaliated with sharp narrowing eyes.

From the other side of Abby, Kane unwrapped a clear bottle that Harley recognized rather quickly as moonshine. "Please accept this gift, Commander," Kane offered, holding the drink out into Lexa's direction. "We drink this at special occasions. I believe this qualifies."

Lexa glanced towards the bottle wearily before giving Gustus a nod. He took over for her, accepting the bottle from Kane and handling it as if it was a bomb before passing it to Lexa. "Thank you, Marcus of the sky people," she said graciously.

Smiling in response, Kane nodded. "You're welcome, Lexa kom Trikru." (Lexa of the tree people.) Harley smiled a bit wider, glad that it was going so well, and they were acting the most civil since she had landed. It was all she had hoped for. "Just uh, don't drink too much of it," he warned.

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