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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Thankfully, the path split into four ways. They had been running for quite some time, but they had encountered no one. Moving the rock had caused no alarm it seemed. Perhaps, they were all too confident on their security, and they didn't bother with checking on who entered. Whatever the case, it was to their advantage. Tarhuinn and she now only needed to decide on which way to head.

They heard splashes of water down the far left and center right paths, so they would avoid those, but they had learned from the spies that the authors were at the center of the home. All of them were in one large room while five doors branched off to each of their own private rooms. Apparently, they rarely left the area, with the exception of Tergii and Bimaa. If they were lucky, all of the paths would eventually lead to the center area.

With neither the far right nor center left looking better than the other, they picked randomly the center left. A few ceiling windows illuminated the path with morning light and permitted them to note that the path dropped off up ahead. She hoped that they hadn't chosen a dead end, especially since splashes of water sounded back where they had left. Luckily, they weren't coming their way.

The two of them proceeded carefully, however. They didn't need to alert anyone to head down their way. When they reached the drop, they both crouched down and stayed near to the stone walls. No window was above them, but the last one cast shadows over them. Remaining within them, they both peered out ahead.

Water cascaded off of the drop and into a large pool below. A large window permitted light to shine down on the pool, illuminating several figures there. All of the ones swimming were kelremm. They were most likely spies since none of them fit the descriptions of the authors that the spies from last night disclosed. Casual conversation existed between all of them, but (f/n) noted something odd, and it wasn't just the fact that kelremm were swimming together when such a thing apparently never happened in the three complexes.

Off to the side, there were two humans: a male and a female. They were hiding behind some rocks and watching the five kelremm. Presently, they seemed to be whispering to each other. The only explanation for the humans being in the authors' home was that they were partners to two of the kelremm in the group. Most likely, they probably weren't supposed to leave the rooms of their partners.

"Should we do anything right now?" she asked in a whisper.

"No, we'll watch for a little longer. We'll see what those humans down there have planned. They might create a distraction for us, and we can sneak around those five spies."

"How? The only way is down."

"It isn't. There's a thin path along the wall to my left. No water runs down it, but I think that I can make it down to the waterfall behind those rocks over there." He pointed with his right index finger to the path and then to the waterfall. "It'll be a risk, but it's better than fighting through those five and possibly the two humans."

"I don't like it. You can't run down that path. It's too narrow. You'll fall off if you try, and if you walk, you won't make it in time, but I agree that taking them head on would be a bad idea. We should save as much energy as we can for the authors."

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Where stories live. Discover now