5 | siblings

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(why does this have 2k reads already omg thank you??)

i've seen a few fanfictions where the OC is someone's sibling and i just. why.

the fact that octavia & bellamy are the only siblings on the show is extremely important to their characters and storyline. as we all know, bellamy's "my sister, my responsibility" mindset has influenced so many of his actions throughout the series, and it's basically the only reason he's still alive (which octavia said herself).

and most of the time, when this is written in fanfictions, it doesn't seem to serve a purpose other than the character being like "my twin sister clarke is so annoying!!! >:( even though i am exactly like her lol"

don't make your OC someone's brother or sister. please. although i'm sure it's happened before on the ark, it's obviously not a very common ordeal because of the fact that octavia is 16 years old at the beginning of season 1 and there are no other illegal siblings that we know of.

it's completely fine for your oc to be very close to another character and think of them like a sibling. it's also easier because you don't have to come up with a background of how they were found out and yadda yadda yadda.

(again, i don't want you to think i'm trying to be patronizing and tell you what i think you should or shouldn't do. these are suggestions to avoid clichés and overall make a more interesting story.)

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