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I'm back my loves! I dropped you on a cliffhanger, I know! But here's the next piece of the puzzle 😊!!!


Goddess this can't be real...

I stare at my sons phone screen in silent awe, pausing from my explanation to try and wrap my head around just the thought of my daughter...being alive. That my three year old baby girl that I lost is now a grown woman, shes been alive for the past twenty two years and I missed them all...

"Dad? You were saying?" Liam asks, his words concerned while the rest of his mind must be a whirlwind of emotions...but what else can I honestly expect considering I just told him he has an older sister?

"Sorry...her name was Skye. She was my first child with a young witch named Saraphina." I start, my mind already going back to her face...the elegance in how she moved, the way she seemed to know exactly what I was thinking...

"I was a younger man then...just turned seventeen when I met her, and she was nineteen...and more mature than me in a few ways." I chuckle, trying to remember exactly what made a sweet and nurturing woman like her fall for a rebellious rascal like myself. Maybe it was the fact that she saw the good in everything...

"As mates usually do, I fell hard and fell fast. Her light brown hair and green eyes seemed to cast a spell on me...no pun intended, and it wasn't long before I moved in with her...choosing to leave my pack land to be with her."

I look up to see my son giving me a surprised look, obvious curiosity in his eyes. I can't blame him, I never told him how rebellious I was when I was his age...along with other things.

"Why would you leave the pack land? Weren't you in line to be Alpha?" He asks, and I sigh...I suppose this was bound to be told one way or the other...

"I was a rebellious teenager then...instead of wanting the Alpha position, I dreaded it. I wanted to be free to live my own life and do what I wanted instead of being chained to desk duties and pack politics...at least back then anyway. My older sister, your aunt, had more interest in being Alpha than I did at the time, so I decided to leave home under the pretense of looking for my mate so she could start her training to be Alpha...but I never expected to actually find Saraphina while I was off galavanting and, according to my father, shirking my responsibilities." I explain, mentally shaking my head at my old self.

"So...what changed?" He asks, and I look down to the phone once more before taking a deep breath.

"Everything." My wolf whimpers as the memories begin filling my head.

"Three months after meeting Saraphina, she found out we were expecting our first child...and I was so terrified but so excited about it...my first pup...I had no idea what to do, so I called my parents. They were so excited by the news of their first grandchild...but they had unfortunate news to share..." I pause.

"Which was?"

"A good portion of the pack members had broken away from the pack, deciding that they wanted to rule the pack themselves instead of bowing to the current alphas...my parents. The groups defection had sent the pack into a bit of a panic...and they warned me to be careful and look out for my family."

I still remember how insistent my mother was to come home, only to have dad say that considering I'm already off the territory, to stay away for a little while and lay low until the traitors were dealt with for good...and after a year and a half of doing exactly that and seeing nothing more than a few menial attacks that lead to easy defeat...we thought it was over, so my parents came down to see their granddaughter more often as time passed...

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