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The picture is what Fleura's mom looked like 😊 Enjoy the chapter!


I'm not sure what's leaving me speechless the most, the fact that she looks even more like Saraphina than she did in the photo, or if it's the little boy that she's holding on her hip, his blonde curls not too different than the ones of the she wolf he's attached too. My heart squeezes painfully at the thought of potentially missing out on both my daughters life...and the birth of a grandson.

"Fleura, it's good to see you again." Liam greets, he too eying the toddler as Kelly squeezes my hand in reassurance.

"You too, Alpha Liam." She replies, and her soft voice restirs my memory.

"Please, just Liam is fine. And who's this little man? I don't think we met last time I was here."

"Oh, this is Noah, my son...me and Dakota recently adopted him." She explains, and I find myself both relieved I didn't miss a birth, and saddened that I missed the adoption.

"It's nice to meet you little guy, how old are you?" He asks, but the pup remains silent as he looks at us with hesitation in his brown eyes.

"He's eighteen months old, sorry...he's a bit shy." Fleura explains with a sigh, and I feel my heart race a little as she looks at me and my mate curiously...a bit of a shy blush painting her cheeks.

"Oh, Fleura, these are my parents..., Ian and Kelly Anderson." Liam introduces us, and I hold my breath as she shakes my mates hand, and then reaches for mine.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Anderson..."

"Please, call me...Ian." I reply, having to fight the serious urge to say Dad instead. I don't know for sure yet, so I can't say that.

"And Kelly for me dear." My mate adds.

Fleura smiles, and little Noah pulls on her T-shirt to get her attention, and she turns her gaze back to him before looking back up to us.

"Would you like to come inside and sit down? Noah wants to watch his show."

"Of course, thank you." Kelly nods, and we enter the house. Fleura shows us a sitting area near the kitchen while she sets up Noah in the living room, a kids show playing on the TV as he watches intently and chews on a giraffe shaped teething toy Fleura got out of the freezer.

"Um, can I get you anything to drink?" She offers, and we shake our heads.

"So...what brings you back here?" She questions as she sits down in a nearby armchair.

"Well, I initially had business with Alpha Jacob, to make up for the meeting we didn't get to have the last time we were here...because of Cassie..." Liam explains, and I look at him in surprise. I knew that she wolf had been a nuisance for Liam, but I had no idea she was here the last time he was.

"Oh, right." She murmurs, looking a bit strained.

"And since I was here, I decided I'd come down and apologize again for her behavior towards you that day."

"What behavior Liam? I didn't hear anything about this." I ask, and he looks towards me with a slightly tense expression.

"Well, Cassie had followed me here despite me telling her not to, and just as the meeting started I came down to see Cassie being disrespectful to Fleura...but she was quite impressive with telling the girl off before I had to step in." He explains, and I can feel my blood boil under my skin. Kelly squeezes my hand again, which helps me calm down immensely. Though I'm still angry with the disrespectful pup that's so attached to my son.

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