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"Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon."

       — Author Unknown

I went to the park to process all that happened today. I tried to concentrate over the loud sounds of cicadas in the trees and the birdsong that filled the air.

I felt the refreshing summer breeze against my face. There was a train in the distance and an airplane flying overhead in the sky. A man on a bicycle leisurely pedaled by. Cars were whizzing past at 40 mph in a 25 mph speed zone.

I observed vivid green grass, with stumps of formerly towering trees. They used to stretch into the sky, bending in the direction of the wind. There were still plenty of trees with branches full of lush green leaves. Squirrels were jumping from limb to limb. An ant crawled up my pant leg. "Sorry, no food here."

I heard the shriek of a little girl playing, the breeze carried her laughter. I turned my head and saw her chasing bubbles. The sun was starting to set lower as I looked up. Its orange glow was mesmerizing.

People were getting into cars and blaring their radios. Some type of flying insect landed on my arm. I swatted and it quickly flew away. My mind drifted to what happened earlier today.


I walked into my office and started reading a memo that was left on my desk. "What is my father thinking?"

My father, Beau Pennington, had made the decision to move our shipping company to Savannah, Georgia. He never consulted me.

This memo was sent this morning. I heard the news at the same time as everyone else. Surprise! Now I will have to deal with the fallout. It would have been nice to get a heads up, since I have assumed his position as CEO of Pennington Inc.

Our operation has always been in Dallas, Texas. This is a big move that will involve a lot of logistics. Was my father starting to have issues involving his thinking?

He told me he needed a break, and was therefore handing the reins over to me. I could already feel my neck muscles starting to get knots, working up to my face and head.

The employees will think I signed off on this decision. I need to talk to my father. I was becoming incensed as I continued reading further. My temples were drumming fast.

I stood by my window looking out and pinching the bridge of my nose. I let out a loud huff, as my mind was trying to process possible scenarios.

I had no clue what brought this about. My father and I have never seen eye to eye. I was stunned when he asked me to replace him as CEO.

Did he sit back folding his arms with that determined gleam he gets in his eyes, as he composed this letter? Did he even hesitate before pressing the send button?

I'm familiar with Savannah. My family spent many summers there when I was a kid. It's a coastal Georgia city, separated from South Carolina by the Savannah River. My brothers and I looked forward to our summer family vacation there as kids.

It's been years, but I can still recall the clip clopping of horse-drawn carriages. The historic district is unrivaled, filled with cobblestoned squares and parks. I remember the grand oak trees covered with Spanish moss.

I do know they have a big shipping industry there, so I can possibly see my father making this decision. I don't know what reaction we'll receive from our employees? We've been in Dallas for over thirty years. This will cause a big upheaval.

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