Chapter 10

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Still reeling from the chase and the sudden shift in surroundings, it takes me several moments to get my bearings. I stare at the stranger before me, taking note of the way the dim light casts shadows across her pixie-like features. She's a little older than myself, small in stature with eyes as black as the tunnel stretching before us. Even in the near darkness, I can tell that she misses nothing.

"Who are you." I demand.

The woman steps forward, revealing a startling amount of freckles covering her face from brow to neck. "Tawny. And this," She raises her chin. "Is my crew." A team of people materialize out of the tunnel behind her, appearing so suddenly that our hands fly instinctively to our weapons. Tawny makes a half-hearted gesture and the strangers halt in their tracks, a couple dozen curious pairs of eyes studying us intently. Only the steady presence of Jaron and Luca keeps me rooted in place.

I make a show of depositing my dagger back in my boot, sensing a clear disadvantage if our new acquaintance were to come to blows.

"Tawny." I move closer, standing so that my eyeline is level with hers. She remains ramrod straight, watching me steadily, waiting. "Pleasure. Mind educating my friends and I as to what in the Burn you're doing down here?"

Her lips twitch, betraying a sense of humour. "Come on. Let's go talk somewhere a little more comfortable."

Faced with little other choice, we follow Tawny down the passageway, allowing her to lead us on a complicated path through a series of twisting tunnels. The walls pressing in around us are water-dampened, shining with the remnants of days spent as a channel for the Irrigator. Throat dry, I suppress the urge to trail my fingertips along the slick stone.

After what feels like an endless series of identical pathways, we emerge and find ourselves walking through a cavern. Our feet echo against the catwalks that crisscross the chamber and I peer down between the slats of steel into the grey pools of stagnant water below. Our torches are extinguished and it takes me several beats to realize that this room is lit not by flame, but by strings of glowing bulbs affixed to the platforms and stairways. My memories of Babel and their advanced technology flare up, my fears about how primal we are in comparison burning more brightly than the electric globes.

"Nice digs." I remark, emitting a low whistle. I squint upwards, watching as people navigate the countless perilous-looking bridges stretching above us. "How long have you been down here?"

"This chamber? A week, give or take a few days." Tawny taps a finger against her lips, appearing to think. "Honestly, it's difficult to keep track of time. We change locations fairly often. The Brutes sweep these tunnels on a routine basis, but we try to stay one step ahead."


"The robotic Enforcers. I thought you were already acquainted?"

Will's eyes flash before me. I blink hard, Tawny's questioning expression replacing his blank stare.

"Ah." I say, suddenly brimming with a million questions. "We've been referring to them as Mechs."

"As in mechanical? I suppose they are, in a way." Tawny turns away, leading us towards a steel drum standing upright in the centre of the room. Plumes of smoke and a tempting aroma emanate from within, drifting past our noses and causing my stomach to rumble conspicuously.

"Do you know what they are?" I press. "The Brutes, I mean. How does she make them?"

Tawny doesn't answer immediately, drawing to a stop before the barrel and motioning for one of her crew to hand out food and drink to Mia and the Wasters.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions." She says to me. "Help yourself to some food and you and I will go have a chat. That is," She raises her brows. "Unless you require your bodyguards to linger."

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