Chapter 12

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My classroom is not nearly as fine as Will's was.

There is no shabby but comfortable couch, no window to tempt me outside and onto the rooftops of the sprawling City. There is only a cold, steel walkway to perch upon and the ceaseless sound of dripping water.

Luca dangles his legs over the side of the walkway and peers between the metal slats, watching the scene below us. Tawny and her fellow subterranean dwellers drift back and forth between the various tunnels. Observing the minutiae of their daily lives creates a nostalgic pang within me. How many hours have I spent like this, perched high above the world, observing and making plans. Plans that used to involve basic survival. Now, they involve war.

"Are you ready to begin?" Luca's voice breaks through my thoughts.

I blink, bringing myself back to focus. "Right, yes." I straighten my spine and clap my hands on my thighs. "First thing's first. Your look."

"I can see fine."

"No, not your sight. Your look. Your style."

"My clothes?"

"Not just your clothes. Your hair, your tattoos." I gesture vaguely at the whole of him. "Your general aesthetic."

He grins in that small way. "Do what you like. No manner of dress will make me any less beautiful."

I kick him lightly. "That's good, keep up the arrogance. A guard who gets off on doing a tyrant's dirty work naturally possesses the biggest of heads."

"Not a problem." Luca's tone is light but he nods earnestly.

"There will be time to go over all of that, later. For now, I think we should get you looking the part." I lean over the railing and blow a sharp whistle. Tawny waves her acknowledgement and disappears from view as I straighten and turn to Luca once again.

"How attached are you to that mop?" I ask.

Luca's raises his hand to his dark, wavy mass of hair, touching it curiously. "i am not. There are far worse things to lose."

I smile, stepping aside to allow Tawny and her friend to pass. Tawny reclines against the rail across from me while the girl withdraws a pair of fine-tipped scissors and moves behind Luca, unceremoniously grabbing a fistful of his hair.

He raises his brows at me, feigning fear as the first black locks fall away, slipping through the slats of metal beneath our feet. My chest twists unexpectedly as bit by bit, the Waster before me is stripped away and is replaced by a sharp-cheeked aristocrat.

"While you're occupied," In one swift movement I pull myself up onto the rail, sitting comfortably and smirking a little at Tawny's alarmed gasp. "I'll just rhyme of a few more tricks."

"By all means."

"Underplay everything. Don't show that you care too much or too little. Remember you are a background player; nothing more. The less attention you draw, the further you'll go."

Luca's remains perfectly still for the hair dresser's benefit but I know he is paying close attention to my every word.

"Talk only to who you must. Don't ask too many questions; don't try and make friends or allies." I emphasize each point, all-too-aware that time is not on our sides. "Which brings me to the most important piece of advice I can offer." Holding his gaze with mine, I will him to understand the importance of what I say next. "Trust no one."

He swallows but gives the barest of nods.

"Rely on your own instincts and take care of your own safety first." I force myself to speak calmly even as fear runs its icy finger down my spine. "Assume that everyone is your enemy."

The Rain (Part III of the Runner Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu