chapter twelve

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Zhengting spent the following days pondering over how to word his thoughts, how to execute it, and how to make himself look sincere when the time comes to confess. Truthfully, Zhengting has never really confessed to anyone before, so he's new to all of this. New to his feelings, to those feelings being for Xukun, and to actually confessing. As frightening as it is, it is also exciting.

Zhengting stopped ignoring Xukun, too, as he soon realized he had to know Xukun's schedule properly to know what a good time to confess would be. So far, Zhengting still hasn't picked when he'll do it, much less how he will. There's been plenty of ideas swarming through Zhengting's head, but he has not reached a single conclusion. Should it be cheesy and romantic? Or plain and straightforward? Flashy and in public, or quiet and in private?

It's been hard thinking through all of this, especially when he doesn't have anyone who knows Xukun well enough to ask these questions to. There is always Ziyi, but then again, Zhengting still finds himself intimidated by Xukun's tall best friend. Besides, Zhengting has a feeling that Ziyi still hates Zhengting and would not be happy over the fact that Zhengting wants to confess.

Zhengting has successfully ruled out taking Xukun out and confessing in public, knowing that Xukun is quite shy and would most likely not like being confessed to in public. This should be easier, anyway, seeing as the two are always alone when they're in their room. Despite this, Xukun seems to be quite busy lately, and is spending less time in their room. The times he is in their room are spent doing homework, and Zhengting has always backed off because of it.

Maybe it is just a busy time for Xukun? Zhengting has to remember to be considerate, and perhaps getting confessed to by your roommate isn't the thing Xukun needs right now. It was stressful enough for Zhengting to have that realization, to the point where Zhengting has already seen his grades start slipping. He doesn't wish that on Xukun.

This whole dilemma has caused more sleepless nights than Zhengting would like to admit, therefore the days that Zhengting does manage to fall asleep are so important to him. It had taken Zhengting quite a lot to fall asleep, from the relaxing sea noises playlist he found on youtube, to the sleeping mask he borrowed from Chengcheng. Well, more like stole, because he really finds the frog eyes sleeping mask to be adorable.

Yet after all this trouble, Zhengting wakes up in the middle of the night. Because of Cai Xukun.

Zhengting squints, rubbing his eyes as he tries to figure out what is going on in front of him. All he sees is Xukun shaking him, yet for why? Is Zhengting still sleeping? What kind of hyper realistic dream...

No, it feels way too real, and Zhengting knows this from the heaviness in his eyes, and how groggy he feels.

"Zhengting, wake up," Xukun says, continuing to shake Zhengting's torso. Zhengting tsks, moving farther away from Xukun.

"Stop, I'm awake," Zhengting hisses, glaring at his roommate. Zhengting is just about ready to hit Xukun with the pillow under his head, his crush or not, no one disrupts Zhengting's sleep like this. "What the fuck, Xukun!"

"What the fuck, Zhengting," Xukun mocks back, looking equally as annoyed at Zhengting as Zhengting is at Xukun. For what? Zhengting isn't the one waking up their roommate at ass o clock. Zhengting only keeps his glare steady at his roommate, waiting for the explanation as to why Xukun is pissed. "You're such a loud fucking sleep talker."

"That's not my fault," Zhengting bites back, although less heated than before. He's aware that he tends to sleep talk, but it is out of his control. Xukun definitely didn't need to wake up Zhengting at this hour. He feels bad, don't get him wrong, but Zhengting can't help but feel angrier than he should be. He blames the fact that he is still groggy and sleep deprived.

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