To my younger self

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to my younger self,
i hope you can find it in you to forgive me. i know you already forgave everyone else for all the hurt they caused you, because you're so good at that, but forgive yourself. forgive the little girl crying in the dark because she thought it was her fault that everyone was always fighting. forgive the fragile soul that was so scared of doing anything wrong because she thought she made everyone leave. forgive the weak and dark parts of yourself. and tuck them away. do not make them more than they are. you spent so long sad that you forgot what happy feels like for years. you forgot what laughter tasted like, you forgot how it felt to have a smile dance across your face, you forgot what it's like to feel love, to be sweet, to be at peace. but don't worry, you find it eventually; in yourself, in the world, and in others. – i'm sorry i was so cruel to you, i'm sorry i always locked you away, dimmed you down, and shut you up. i am trying to let myself grow now, i hope you're proud of who i've become and who i'm trying so hard to be.

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