Blonde hair, blue eyed, baby girl

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Blonde hair
Blue eyed
Baby girl
We may have not been able to know you before
But we take great pleasure into meeting you now.
You are a miracle, the child I've always wanted.
You may not be mine by blood
But I will love you just the same
And I can assure you just as much
That your father loves you
more than anything
Or anyone in this world
Even more than me
I'm so thankful to be apart of your life
I will do whatever I can to make it wonderful
As will your father
I want you to know
That I have loved your father
from the first day
I met him
It was truly love at first sight
As he loves you
From the first day he met you
And I think even before that
He loved you
He will always love you
I will always love you
So if ever,
me and your father were to part
I want you to know
That I'm not to far out of sight
I will always be here for you

Love, your second mom.

This was written for my fiancé's daughter, who I love deeply.

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