Ch. 9 How I fell for him. Literally...

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Haylynn's POV

"Drew...This is wow," I said. It was all I could say. We were standing outside of a huge building that looked like a castle. "So you like it," he asked. "Sure but what is it," I asked. He pointed to a sign and I had to squint my eyes to read it. We were at an opera place. "So you're taking me to see an opera," I asked. "Of course. I thought you would like it. Or do you hate it? We could always go somewhere else," he said kissing my neck.

"We are not going to a hotel for the last time," I said. He growled and then held out an arm. I stared at it and then back at him. "You're supposed to take it," he said. Oh. "I knew that," I said and wrapped my hand around his arm. We started to walk towards the doors.

I looked around and saw women wearing long, elegant dresses with fans and fur shrugs. So while they were looking nice I looked like a whore. "Why did you do this to me," I asked. "Do what?" "Make me dress like this when everyone else is dressed like that!" He looked around and smiled. "They don't have your body. You should show it off. It's gorgeous," he said and I blushed. Did he just say I'm gorgeous? He sure knows how to make me feel special. "Oh shut up. You're still not off the hook yet," I said and he shrugged.

"Sorry. If you're really uncomfortable we can get you something before it starts," he said. I smiled. He cares about my feelings. "Nah I'm good. I'll have fun torturing you this way," I said and he growled. "Please do," he said. He's so sexy when he growls. When we walked inside it was more breathtaking than the outside. There was a crystal chandelier and the floors were marble. It looked like we were in a five star hotel in France. There were a lot of little details. The ceiling had images of angels and the walls had musical notes carved in. Everything looked like it was brand new and waiting for me.

"Welcome Mr. Brentwood. Which seats tonight," some attendant asked. He was wearing a tux and looked very put together. "The best for two," Drew replied. The man nodded and ushered for us to follow him. I got stares from a lot of women and a lot of giggles. Are they talking about me? Well I guess I should do something for them to remember. "Drew darling," I whispered. He bent down and I gave him a French kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He picked me up and spun me around. Then he put me back down and offered his hand again. I looked back at the women and they looked envious. I can't blame them. I know I'm amazing. I continued to follow the attendant and he led us to our seats.

"Is everything in order Mr. Brentwood," he asked as I sat down. "Yes. Thank you Henry," he said and gave him a ten. Henry bowed and walked away. "Did we have to be so high," I asked. We were at the top of the top and the stage looked so small. "Yes. These are the best seats and only the best can sit here. Are you afraid of heights?" "A little but as long as I'm nothing over the edge I'm fine," I replied. He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "The opera is in Italian. This is also the first night so everything is up to you," he said.

"What do you mean," I asked while he handed me some binoculars. "Well you can either love it or hate it. No one's opinions can influence you. I personally hated my first opera but that was because I was sitting next to my sister and she wouldn't sit still. So now I just like it. It all depends on your first viewing whether you love it or like it," he said. "That was very...deep Drew," I said and looked into his eyes. They sparkled with emotion. Then soft music filled the air. "It's starting," he said and I turned towards the stage. Yes...something's starting.

Drew's POV

She looks gorgeous. Everything she does seems amazing. The music seemed to swirl around her and she let it in. How did I get so lucky to find her? I could've been alone my whole life but no. I've found her and I'm never letting her go. I took my eyes off of her and looked around. I saw a lot of different people here but is he? Sure I wanted to take Haylynn out but I also had some business to handle. The Sassaba's beta is supposed to be here but where? "Drew...are you ok," Haylynn whispered. I looked at her and she looked concerned. What happened? "Yeah..why," I asked. "I just...I just felt something. Never mind," she said and looked back at the opera. I have to be careful.

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