Ch. 10 Cinnamon Rolls

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Haylynn's POV

I've never realized how good Drew was from running away until he pulled out of the garage. Drew leaves me in a house filled with his family just because he doesn't want to talk to me? Pretty smart. I sighed and walk back into the house. I don't have anything better to do.

I decide to wander around alone and think. I wonder how everyone's doing back at the pack. Hunter probably has everything under control but I'm starting to miss Hailey. I wish I could call some of my friends but I wouldn't know what to say. Hi my boyfriend is a werewolf, we're getting married in less than a month, I'm going to get pregnant on my wedding night, and I'm doing my hair. That's a typical conversation.

I turn the corner and walk toward a painting. It's a picture of the night sky but it's almost like the stars are moving. A comet is soaring above a couple looking up. A nice picture but it seems so out of place. I looked around and realize that I'm in a regular hallway. So why is this painting here instead of someplace more public?

Maybe mom didn't have a better place. Still something in the back of my mind told me I'm wrong. The frame of the pain ting looks like golden leaves and berries. I touched the frame of the picture and hear a soft clicking noise. That's strange. I continued to run my fingers around the frame and a small button pushes out.

I looked down the hall and no one was around. I push the button and the wall slid back. I took a careful step forward and that step lead to another until I was in a different room. I stepped to the side and the wall slid where it belonged leaving me in this new room. Where am I?

I walked around the room and noticed a few things. A small bookshelf was against the right wall, a few screens were in the middle wall, and a table piled with junk was near the left wall. A chair was in front of the screens so I decided to sit down. I look around and see a remote on the junky table. The chair has wheels so I roll over and pick up the remote. I aim it at the TV's and press a red button.

I know I'm not supposed to ever press a red button but when I did, the television started to show images. The images were all different since there were nine screens. On the top right screen was an image of mom in the kitchen. The first screen in the middle showed an image of the lawn. I think there are camera's in the house. The screen on the 3rd row toward the right made my eyes pop. It showed Drew's room and was aimed directly for the bed.

I'll have to be careful about that. Who is this room for? I run a finger through one of the screens and dust flies. Obviously this place hasn't been used recently but I don't think every home has this. I picked up the remote and the images changed. It captured the same rooms but at different angles.

I shouldn't be in here. If this is a secret place why was it so easy to get into? Maybe because no one in the family wanders around alone and touches picture frames. No one in the family pushes buttons from picture frames and walk into mysterious rooms. I stood up and walk toward the way I came. I see a more obvious button on the wall and pressed it. The wall slid forward this time and I walked out with the wall closing behind me.

I fix my clothes and slowly walk down the hall. I hope no one will notice I was in that room. I turn the corner and see Derek. "What are you doing," Derek asked. "I was exploring," I said and stared at Derek. Shouldn't he be in school? "Do you ride horses," Derek asked. "I've never tried," I said honestly and Derek sighed. "Come on. I'll teach you," Derek said and started to walk away.

Should I follow a twelve year old boy or stand here awkwardly? I followed Derek outside and we stopped in front of a stable. "You've never rode a horse but your Drew's mate," Derek asked. I nodded and Derek sighed. "Can you tell I'm a city girl," I asked. "At least you're not stuck up like I thought you'd be," Derek said. Thanks kid.

Je t'aime soul mate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ