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     "Want to come over and check out where Zev and I are staying?" Ava asked. 

     We had just finished our food and took what felt like forever to rest and let the food digest, but it seemed like Ava was a ball of energy, full of excitement that I was here. I didn't blame her. I felt the same. I could've jumped for joy and cartwheeled my way around the area and it still wouldn't have portrayed just how happy I was that I made it here and found her. It was reassuring, to say the least. 

     "Sure. I want to see if it's any nicer than where I'm staying," I replied. 

     So we got up and left the benches. People were dispersing already, probably to get back to whatever jobs they had to keep this place running smoothly. It was really impressive and it was clear it took a lot of work. 

     "I still can't believe you're alive, Megan. How did you escape those horrible people?" Ava asked me, chuckling. 

     "Escape? What people?" I only stared at her puzzled. The only people I had to escape before were the bikers, of course, Ava wouldn't know about them since she wasn't there. I hadn't even started telling her my story. 

     "What do you mean what people? I thought they were going to kill you, but then that didn't really make any sense because if they wanted to, they would've done it right there at the church," she rambled.

     I was only more and more confused. "What the hell are you talking about?" Was I missing something? 

     We were walking down the road after we ate. I was hand-in-hand with Zev who bounced happily beside me. Ava was walking on my other side.

     "You really don't remember what happened at the church?"

     I shook my head.

     She pointed down the road. "Our house is just down here."

     She took my hand and led me to a brown building. The door was a bright red, and when she pushed it open, we were met with darkness until she pressed a switch on the side. A dim bulb flickered above us as we walked inside. Instantly, I saw a stairway, and she led me up those. Ava grabbed onto my hand and Zev tightly gripped onto my other hand as Ava pulled us along.

     She opened another door and my vision was invaded by red. Red walls, red lamp, red rug. The bedsheets were red and white.

     "You sure do like red," I muttered, still staring.

     "Of course," she giggled. "Sit." She patted on a spot on her bed and I heeded.

     Zev jumped onto the bed and laid down at our feet, picking something out of the ends of the covers, possibly on the side of the mattress.

     "Zev!" Ava shrieked. "That's where you hid my doll?"

     He nodded, hugging the doll to him. "You have two. That's not fair."

     Ava sighed. "You can play with her for now, then. Can you go play in your room?"

     Zev nodded again and hopped off the bed. He hurried out of the room, not thinking to close the door behind him. Ava only shook her head and got up to do it before settling down next to me again.

     "I haven't seen you in so long, Megan," she finally said. "I was so worried. Zev and I were so worried."

     "Only you two?" I asked.


     "Where was Mum in all of this? Mason? Robert?" At seeing Ava after all this time, I never once thought about Mum and where she might've been. Maybe she was staying here somewhere and I failed to look closer or ask around. Ava might've known, too. My heart dropped knowing I had forgotten about Mum in all the commotion.

Becoming Them: A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now