Just us...

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Song: All about us by He is We & Owl City

Pops drives me to school the next morning, on the way he pulls over on the side of the road. "Have you ever driven a car?"

"No sir." I shake my head.

"Well you want too?"

"Pops I don't know how to drive; besides I don't even have a permit."

"Got to learn sometime kido; come on its easy." He gets out of the car and walks around, opening the door for me to get out. So I do. I slide in and put the seat belt on. He has to tell me where to put my feet for the gas and the brake. He also has to show me the gear shift and what to do. I ease my way out onto the street. It takes me a little while but I soon get the hang of it. All you have to do is stay in your lane.

When I get to the school, I get too close to the curb and run over it and almost hit a group of kids. Oops!!

"Sorry!" I apologize almost in tears worried that I messed up the car.

"It's alright, it's just a car. Don't you worry about a thing and be prepared to drive home this afternoon."

I smile at him, "Thanks Pops."

I make my way to the front door and down the hallway towards my locker. I can feel all eyes on me. They are staring at me, too many eyes. Too many voices, whispers about me the crazy girl who tried to kill herself. I try so hard to block it all out. I try not to let my emotions show and get the best of me.

Blake and Max just so happen to be standing close to my locker. I hear them joking around, saying things that I so what to block out. I hate guys like that.

Suddenly I hear Blake call out to Weston. "Dude you sure you want that...she's crazy man."

When I turn around I see Weston slam Blake against the locker. He is up in his face and a crowd has gathered around. Some even have their phones out anticipating a fight. "Watch it dude....be careful what you say."

"Sorry man, I was just playing around dude."

"Well stop it." He shoves him again and turns to glance at me.

I shake my head and walk off. I don't need this, not today. Soon he is running up and is by my side.

"Hey wait up." He touches my arm.

"You don't have to take up for me you know?"

"I know, but I want too." He smiles.

I continue to walk towards my class and his hand takes mine. We hold hands all the way to my class.

"You gonna be alright?" he asks.

"Yes...I should be fine."

"Okay then, I will see you later." He bends down to kiss me, not caring who sees him.

He makes my heart go pitter-patter.

At lunch, I don't see him. I go through the line to grab a sack lunch of course I am not eating in here. I have only eaten in the cafeteria twice and that was enough for me. I have to walk by their table to leave.

Ericka calls out to me, "Hey freak you back to school so soon, I thought they would have admitted you to the looney bin."

Jessie laughs, "looks like you got hit by a truck...damn girl."

Yeah...my face is still swollen and will be for a while. I mean that's what happens when it's thrown against a mirror. I can open my eye now; however it is still bruised really bad and turning shades of yellow and green. I wore my hair down today just to cover it up as much as possible but I guess that didn't work like I thought it would.

They are all still laughing.

Miranda had to put in her two cents as well. "You know he is only with you because he feels sorry for your ass."

Out of nowhere someone comes up from behind me and goes to the table, slamming his fist so hard that the trays rattle and some of the stuff falls over. The whole cafeteria goes quiet.

"Look at me, all of you. If I hear one more damn rude comment about her...You guys are jerks you know that."

"Dude relax." Says Max.

"I can't believe I use to think you guys were my friends. What the hell happened to you guys?"

I hear him talking to them but I don't bother to stay and listen to the rest of it. I'm almost to the theater door when he comes running up to me.

"Why are you always running off....where are you going?"

"Weston...just stop please. I'm not like them. I will never be like that. They are your friends and I won't come between you guys."

"Screw them. I don't need friends, not them anyway."

He pulls me by my right arm. "Where are we going?"

"Outside away from here, come on."

I let him pull me along and out into the sunshine. It feels so good to feel the heat radiate off of my skin. It's so nice and warm and the wind is blowing just enough to play in my hair. I follow him under this big tree and we sit down.

"How is this?"

I roll my eyes, "It's perfect. Thanks by the way."

He just smiles. We eat lunch, just the two of us in peace and quiet away from everyone.

"Can you believe this tree has been here forever? Look at all the initials on it." He points out some of the initials of lovers that were engraved into the tree.

"Wow, look at some of the dates...that's crazy."

There are so many hearts, initials of lovers. I wonder if any of them are still together. He pulls out a pocket knife and starts engraving. I watch as he makes a perfect heart. Then he adds W.F + C.T. then 4-20-18 right under it. I smile as I watch his handy work. When he is done he looks at me and smiles.

"Weston Fleming....are you asking me out?" I laugh.

"Yes I guess I am, Cecilia will you go out with me. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"You sure you want to be with me?"

"Damn straight." He stands up and pulls me into his arms, twirling me around. Dancing under the tree not caring who is watching. He bends down to my lips and kisses me for the second time today.

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