Chapter 10

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I don't usually dedicate my chapters, but this ones for caselivy! Thanks for the amazing banner on the side :)

Chapter 10

                “You look horrible.” I said directly, as I slid in the booth across from Clarice.

                It was early the next Saturday morning, and Clarice called me up, asking me to meet her at the coffee shop near the gas station. I spotted her in the back, head hanging low, palms around a steaming hot mug of coffee. It wasn’t until I saw her face that I sensed something was wrong. Her lips and cheeks had no color, absolutely white and pale. She looked like the complete opposite of what she usually is- or was.

                Her dull blue eyes met mine, as she sulked down in her seat. “Thanks.” She muttered, voice hoarse.

                I frowned. “Did something happen?”

                She took in a deep breath, releasing it out slowly, as she shook her head. “I’ve just been throwing up lately, a lot.”

                I nodded my head, giving her a small smile. “That’s normal, right?”

                “Yeah.” She paused. “I’m just wondering how long it’ll take before my parents catch up to all of this.”

                My eyes widened. “You haven’t told your parents?”

                She shot me a look, shaking her head. “No. They’ll kill me if they find out.”

                I scoffed at her. “The entire school population knows already, and your parents don’t?”

                Clarice rolled her eyes at me, slamming her fists down on the table, making the salt and pepper shakers shake. “What the fuck do you want me to say to them, Aerial?” she snapped, biting down on her lips. “Hey mom, dad, I’m pregnant with a guy who just left me.” She imitated, shooting me an annoyed look.

                Throwing up, check.

                Mood swings, check.

                Clarice Adams was most definitely pregnant.

                I sighed, leaning back in my seat. I didn’t want to argue with a pregnant woman, not now. “I’m just saying,” I paused, looking her in the eye to calm her down, “its better if your parents find out sooner than later.”

                Clarice clenched her jaw, releasing a deep breath of air. Licking her lips, she nodded reluctantly. “Your right.” She said. “Sorry.”

                “So, are you going to tell them, or what?” I asked.

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