Chapter 10

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☆Sally's Perspective☆
The house calmed down after the dark bad feeling went away. I decided to go down stairs to get some juice. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, the door bell rings. Since everyone else was out killing I go answer the door, which I instantly regret. I screamed in pure horror as I saw the lady who hurt me so long ago standing in front of me. I felt Charlie growl in displeasure in my arms as he struggles to rip the monster's throat out. "Sally! Are you ok?" (Y/N) and Daddy rush over to us as the tears fall down my face and my pasta form takes its permanent shape. Nurse Anne smiles her wicked smile and tries to hug daddy. ◇She can't stay here. Don't let her stay here. Don't let her steal daddy from me again.◇

☆Your Perspective☆
I pull Sally into my arms as her creepypasta form sets in. She was crying and she was scared and she never gets into her pasta form unless she feels threatened. This woman before us was a threat to my Starflower and she needs to die a brutal and unforgivable death. "Slendybear! I've missed you," the woman shrieks as she tries to jump into Slender's arms. I felt the unforgettable ping of pain in my chest, the same pain that I've felt when I lost my twin brother. Charlie was starting to foam at the mouth as he struggles to break free from Our embrace. "Nurse Anne, you're not welcome here, " Slender growls in annoyance and pure hate as he dodges the wench. I hum to the weeping child as she grips me tightly while I take Slender's hand. "Slender, who is this?" I could hear everyone else's footsteps coming closer to us but my focus was only on Slender. Slender's human form slowly fades as he looks directly at me before letting out a heavy sigh. "(Y/N), this is Nurse Anne. My crazy Ex-girlfriend," he says with a hiss of annoyance. Anne gasps as if she was insulted with a slap, "I'm not you're ex Slenderboo. I'm your fiancee! And tell that maid to bring my bag up to your room dear. We have to make preparations for our wedding." Just then a hatchet sails past our heads and embeds itself into the door beside Anne's surgical masked head. "Anne! Get your traitorous ass out of our home. You've not only offended our landlord but piss off of Master ▪tick▪. I have no problem ▪tick tick tick▪ dicing you up and feeding you to the rake," Toby snarls in full fury. I couldn't help the smile that crept on my face, even when he's furious Toby's ticks are the cutest thing. He reminds me so much of Alexander... I felt a sharp pain in my chest again which causes me to wince. Anne, still oblivious to everything, rolls her eyes at the threat and walks into the house glancing around. I felt Sally nod to something Slender telepathically said she pulls me to his room. "Daddy said that he would like the three of us to sleep in his room until she dies or goes away," she whispers in my ear as we leave the poor man with his ex. I give Slender a worried look as Sadly and Trender takes us to Slender's bedroom.

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