Chapter 14

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Addison's Pov

Sunday dawned bright and early. I hardly slept as every time I closed my eyes I had horrendous nightmares of my ordeal at the hands of my father. Brax was a blessing, he held me tightly as he soothed me, calming me down. I hated the nightmares. Even though they were just nightmares they felt very much real like I was back in them moments, living them. It was pointless trying to go back to sleep as I knew more nightmares would appear so I rolled out of bed at silly o'clock and got on with my morning routine while I left Brax to get a bit more sleep.

Finishing my shower and getting dressed in a pair of jeans, a v-neck t-shirt and one of Brax's hoodies, I headed down to the kitchen and got on with making breakfast for Brax. Today was going to be a long day as he was taking me to the police station to report my father. To say I was scared was an understatement. I was beyond terrified but I also knew this is what needed to happen for me to feel at least somewhat safe knowing that my father would possibly go to prison and would be confined there and not out on the streets looking for me to cause more damage to my already fragile soul.

As breakfast was cooking, I held my hot chocolate between my hands looking out of the window at the dreary, rainy weather. I was so engrossed in my mind that I hadn't realised that Brax had walked in. He walked in front of me as a tear fell out of my eye, he wiped it away with his thumb while he took my cup with his other hand placing it on the counter. He wrapped me in his arms as more tears flowed freely down my face. I clung to his naked torso feeling the warmth and safety of being surrounded by him.

"I've got you beautiful girl. You're safe baby." He soothed kissing the top of my head. "You don't have to face this alone anymore. I'm gonna be with you every step of the way." He said cupping my face looking into my eyes. I could see the unshed tears in his eyes at the pain I had endured for most of my life. With a gentle kiss to my lips once I had managed to calm myself down, he gave me back my hot chocolate and finished cooking the breakfast, plating it for us and setting it down on the table. He came back over to me and guided me to the table where I sat down.

"Thank you." I whispered giving him a timid smile.

"You don't have to thank me baby. I'm here to help you, to soothe you, to care for you, to love you." He smiled twining his fingers with mine. "Eat what you can." He said as he noticed me playing with the food on my plate.

My stomach was unsettled due to my fraying nerves and the events that were happening today but I did eat as much as I could which wasn't really a lot. I washed up the plates and cleaned the kitchen as Brax went upstairs to shower and get dressed.

The drive to the police station was quiet on my part. Brax held my hand in his stroking my knuckles with his thumb. I was grateful that he was comforting me in a way that only he could, he didn't try to force me into conversation he just let me be to process what was about to happen. Brax parked the car outside the police station, with a squeeze of my hand he got out the car, he walked around the car and opened the passenger door and held out his hand for me. Taking a deep breath I grabbed he's hand and got out of the car on shaky limbs.

We walked into the police station and Brax done all the talking which I was grateful for because I don't think I could have said anything at that moment due to me panicking. While we were waiting he was whispering his love to me and that he was here for me and I wasn't alone. After about fifteen minutes we were lead into an interview room where I told the two police officers everything that my father had done to me from the age of five up until two years ago.

After three hours of being at the police station we were finally finished and heading back to Brax's house. I was emotionally exhausted and felt my eyelids dropping so I decided to close my eyes. Waking up I found myself wrapped in a pair of strong arms and in Brax's bedroom.

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