Chapter 24

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Addison's Pov

After Brax had finished with his statement to the police about what had happened and gave them the recording, Brax asked a police officer to hand him his coat and bag out of his office as he couldn't go in there due to it now being a crime scene. By the time we left the office it was nearly midnight, we were both exhausted from the events of the evening.

All we knew was that my father was in police custody whether it was still at the hospital or at the police station. We didn't know the condition he was in either. But the police had him and that's all I cared about. I could finally move on with my life and live my life the way I wanted to without the fear of having my father out there waiting to get me.

Since it all happened I had been very clingy towards Brax. I had to touch him, hold him, have him near me. Tonight could have gone in a completely different direction which I was extremely grateful that it didn't. I noticed Brax was just as clingy as I was showing that this had affected him just as much as it affected me.

We finally made it home after a quiet drive home. I had been very quiet since it happened. I had to put my head around it all and process everything that happened. Brax led me into the living room, sat down on the sofa and pulled me into his lap.

"Talk to me baby." Brax said quietly.

I looked into Brax's eyes and could see the sadness in them which made a set of new tears fall down my face. He pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms tighter around me as I clung to him and sobbed my heart out.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I can't lose you Brax." I cried.

"You're not going to lose me beautiful girl. I'm not going anywhere." He said wiping my tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

"You promise."

"I promise, baby." He said kissing my lips. "Come on, let's go to bed and try and get some sleep." He lifted me bridal style and carried me upstairs to the bedroom. We got into bed, clinging to each other as we made love. We both needed to feel each other and needed the reassurance that we were both okay. Making love gave us that comfort we needed to get through the next couple of days, weeks and months.

To say my sleep was restless was an understatement. My nightmares came back with a vengeance only this time they were a lot worse than what I've had before. As usual when I had a nightmare Brax was there for me, holding me, comforting me, soothing me. I was the same with him when he had his nightmare.

Waking up the next morning I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Brax was in the same boat as me. We stayed cuddled in bed till our tummy's rumbled before we headed down to the kitchen. I didn't want a big breakfast so I settled for two slices of toast with butter on them even then I nibbled on my breakfast.

As I sat at the table with Brax next to me I could see what the event of last night had done to him. I just hoped that he wouldn't pull away from me like he did when he's father passed away. I could see an emotion in his eyes that wasn't there before it had happened that I see now. I grabbed his hand and brought it up to my lips and kissed his knuckles, hoping that he knows that I'm here for him and that we would get through this together even if I did feel as guilty as sin because I was the reason for what had happened.

Brax squeezed my hand and pulled on my arm, moving me towards him and setting me in his lap as he's arms wrapped around my waist and he buried his face in my hair. A set of new tears ran down my cheeks at the guilt I felt, at the fact that Brax was caught up in my mess. I never wanted him to be caught up in it but being in a relationship with him, it was bound to happen. I knew my father would stop at nothing to get me back but nothing prepared me for my father holding my man in his office at gunpoint.

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