Chapter 12

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Me and Gabriel tried to spend more time together before his coronation, which was later tonight. Lissa sometimes stayed around us but she usually spent time out hunting or just flying around, apparently being bonded didn't mean she had to be near me constantly.

Right now, me and Gabriel were laying on our bed in the middle of a make out session. When we pulled apart, I smiled and laid my head on his chest while he stroked my hair, " I can get use to this," I said and he laughed.

" Me too, Lilly." He began calling me Lilly about four days ago because while on a walk I spotted a Lilly and called it a Tulip on accident and so he made fun of me and the nickname stuck.

Then my phone buzzed and I looked to see a message from Valerie: Get you're ass out here so we can go shopping!
I groaned. Me, Valerie, and Alexandria were going dress shopping for the coronation tonight. I threw the phone down and went in search of my jacket and boots. Gabriel read the message and laughed. " Shut up Gabriel. You're just lucky I'm going to surprise you or I would just take you along." I said while putting my boots on and then grabbed my car keys and headed for the door.

" Have fun Lilly!" He called and without looking back I flipped him off and slammed the door.

When I got outside, I found Valerie and Alexandria waiting. Instead of stopping, I walked past and they followed me to the garage. When we got inside, Valerie and Alexandria began walking towards Valeries white, 2013 Buick Lacrosse. I stopped and stared, " We are not taking that," I said folding my arms.

"Yes we are. Now come on," Valerie said.

" I was forced into this trip and therefore I believe I can choose what we take and I want to take my car," I said stubbornly and we both looked at Alexandria.

" Well, we've always ridden in your car V so I'm goin with Tessa," She said.

As she began to walk towards my car Valerie followed murmuring that there was no reason to waste gas in both cars. It took an hour to reach the nearest mall and it was spent in silence which made it feel longer.

Once inside, we searched for a dress shop and that didn't take very long. We all split up and searched the area. After an hour of searching, we all found a dress.

Valerie found a light blue, strapless, floor length dress with gold lining around the chest area. Alexandria picked a knee length, peach colored dress that frilled out on the bottom. Both dresses looked amazing on them.

Finding my dress was a little harder. I tried on a lot of dresses but none felt right. Until I saw it. Near the back of the store was a knee length dress that made my curves stand out just right. It was strappless, black, and had a broch with the tree of life inside of a circle on the belt.

After dress shopping we were on talking terms again and Valerie had a very important thing to say. " Me and Derek bonded." I almost swerved off the road and pulled onto the shoulder and looked at her.

"Are you serious?! When?"

"The night we were in Minneapolis. He took me to a fancy restaurant and we stayed in a suite and it was so romantic. It was the right time."

Alexandria was squealing in the back seat, " Oh, can we see the mark?!" The mark is what both mates give each other to show they truly belong together and no one can remove the mark. If you try to mark someone other than your true mate, it could kill who ever you try to mark. The mark depends on what pack you are in as well.

Valerie pulled down the shoulder of the shirt and right on the collar bone was a moon symbolizing the Bloodmoon pack. Me and Alexandria screamed and hugged her. All the way back we discussed marks.

By the time we got home it was two hours till the ceremony so we went our separate ways to get ready. I put on the dress and some black wedges and made my hair a little curly and put it up in a high pony tail. I would see Gabriel until the ceremony so I went in search of Stiles.

I knocked on his door and walked in after I heard him say enter. Him and some friends he made had gone to town and went looking for some stuff to put in his room and along with clothes he got a tuxedo but he was only wearing the white button up shirt, the jacket and trousers along with some boots. It looked real nice on him. He turned to say hi and did a double take. " Wow Tess. You look beautiful," He said making me blush.

"Thanks. You look great too." He came and gave me a hug.

" You ready to head out there?" The ceremony was taking place outside the pack house since nearly half of the pack was showing up.

" Sure." As we headed for the stairs, we met up with our friends and headed towards the pack house. Lissa was waiting for us at the front door.

" Hello friends."

" Hey Lissa," I said and turned towards the others, " She said hey." They all said hi and we headed for the ceremony.

I wouldn't be able to talk to Gabriel until after the ceremony so I mingled with some of the pack members and got to know many of them. When the ceremony was about to begin, I went and found the others and stood in the front with them.

Normally when a new Alpha is brought in, they are inducted by the previous Alpha. Since the current Alpha is dead and Gabriel's Dad was back in Europe, the old Beta has to do it.

It was all pretty simple. He vowed to protect and lead the pack and cut himself with a dagger and let a drop of blood fall to the earth symbolizing his tie to the pack grounds.

" If you have a Mate and Beta, I would like for them to step up here," Adrian, the old beta, said.

Since beginning the ceremony, Gabriel finally looked at me. His eyes looked over my body and for a split second they turned color and he smirked.

I walked with Damon up to Gabriel and we each stood on either side of him. " May I present your new Alphas and Beta!" Everyone cheered and I smiled.

When we were all done doing vows the crowd dispersed and Damon went in search of Alexandria. Gabriel turned to me, "I love that dress," He said and kissed me. I pulled back and smiled.

" I'm glad you do," I said and went in search of our friends.

The after party lasted way into the night, and everyone began to head home. Me and Gabriel walked to our room and immediately began making out.

He laid me on the bed and looked at me, " I'm ready," I said and he ripped the dress off. " I thought you liked that dress?" I asked

"I do, but I love you more," I blushed and looked away. He grabbed my face and made me face him and kissed me. " Ready?" He asked and I nodded and bared my shoulder to him.

He let his fangs grow and bit into my shoulder. I groaned and felt the blood pooling near my collar bone. There was a slight pain and then Gabriel wiped away the blood. You remember when I said that the mark depended on the pack? Well it's different for Guardian wolves and their mates. Instead of a moon, there's a big black paw crisscrossed with red vines.

"Beautiful," Gabriel whispered and kissed the mark. Then he kneeled and removed his shirt, turned his head, and offered his shoulder to me.

I kneeled and bit into his shoulder and he tensed. I watched in wonder as the blood pooled and slowly formed the wolf paw. When it was done, I wiped the blood away and turned his face towards me and kissed him. He laid me down and we completed the bonding process and are now bonded forever.

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