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Five years later

       Me and Gabriel sat on a bench and watched our two kids play in the yard. Adam is an exact image of Gabriel but has my eyes. He was playing cars with Valerie and Derek's son William who was born four months after Adam. Our little girl, Rowen, is a different story. She has black hair, but her eyes are purple like a phoenix. Like Lissa.

After some searching, we found out that when a phoenix dies they have two choices. They can either be born again from an egg and wait for their bond mate, which can take forever, or they can bond their phoenix side to an unborn child. Lissa bonded her phoenix side to Rowen and gave her the power to control fire.

      "Mommy, daddy watch!" Rowen ran up to us and held her hand out. She closed her eyes and concentrated really hard. Suddenly a red flame grew in her hand and she opened her eyes and gave us a broad smile.

      "Good job sweetheart. Can you make it go away?" She gave me a smug look and closed her hand. When she opened her fist the fire was gone.

       "Good job hon. Why don't you go find Aunt Rachel and Uncle Stiles?"

       "Ok daddy." She ran off in search of Rachel and Stiles. Alex and Damon had gotten married a week ago and were still on their honeymoon. Valerie and Derek got married a year ago. Me and Gabriel got married six months after the battle.

     " Do you think she will be okay? I mean she is the only one of her kind, what if something happens and no one can help her control her power?" I could help but worry about my little girl. Since seeing her eyes I knew I would protect her and if her power goes berserk I can't do anything.

     Gabriel clasped our hands together."She'll be fine. She has your strength. She'll control it." I smiled. He always knew what to say.

     Stiles came around the corner caring Rowen on his back. Rachel followed, her swollen belly caring my niece or nephew. I got up and gave them a hug. Stiles put Rowen on the ground and she ran off to join Adam and William. "Great kid. She acts just like you Tess." Stiles threw his arm over my shoulder and I laughed. "You know, you look better without that scar."

      The day after the battle I woke up to see that my scar had disappeared. I guess I finally knew I could trust people again and as my wall crumbled, my scar healed with it.

      I smiled, "Come on, Valerie is waiting for us. You know she doesn't like it when we're late." Today is Derek's birthday and she said we needed to be on time to surprise him when he got done patrolling.

      Gabriel laughed. "Come on kids. Time for a party." The kids were ecstatic and raced ahead of us. I laughed and put my head on Gabriel's shoulder. I was right where I wanted to be.

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