Chapter 21

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Happy Independence day 🇳🇬

Cass had just finished blow drying her hair and was trying to decide what to wear when her phone rang. Her heart did a double when she saw the caller's ID; it was Victor.

She picked the call.
"Hey," she said.

"Hey to you too," he said. "What plans do you have this evening?"

God, his voice.

"I think I'm going to be busy."

"Can you skip?"

"Yes," she blurted. "Oh, I mean yeah."

Victor chuckled. "Great," he said.

"And thanks for earlier. I really appreciate it."

"No problem. Anything for you."

"So, what are we doing?" The we sounded strange in her mouth. Being on personal terms with a superstar was never on her wishlist.

"Pretty woman."


"Its a movie. Have you watched it?"

"No. I'm not really into movies."

"Gosh, Cassie. You've missed a lot."

"So, whats it about?"

"Its about people who screw each other for money."

"Sounds fun."

"," he said. "At Manila."


"Mum," she said. "Would it be possible if I skipped?"

Cass usually accompanied her mother to her orphanage every last Saturday of the month. And before they left, they always had arguments about Cass' choice of clothing.

"Oh, Cass. We aren't going to a ball," her mother would say if she wore a gown. And if she opted for something more casual like jeans and a blouse, she'd say, "cant you wear something more... appropriate?"

"Where are you going to?" said her mother. She was typing furiously on her laptop.

"Am going somewhere with Fatima." Cass winced as the words left her mouth. She hated lying but she didn't want to tell her mother about Victor.

Her mother sighed then closed the laptop shut. "You can go wherever you want to, Cass. You are an adult now."

Cass felt a smile lit her face up. She leant forward and kissed her mother on the forehead. "Thanks mum," she said. Then she turned to leave.

"But," said her mum. "Dress appropriately."

Cass turned, scowling. "Appropriately? You know me, mum."

"I do know you, Cass. Don't misunderstand what I mean by appropriate."

"What do you mean by appropriate."

Her mother stared at her for a moment, then she burst into laughter. "You could wear a sweatpant to a wedding if you had the chance."

"What?" said Cass. Then she too burst into laughter.

"Go on," said her mother, still chuckling.

Twenty minutes later, Cass heard a car stop in front of her door. She walked to the window and looked down. A small car had just been parked. She recognized it, it was Abdul's.

She saw Fatima alight and she went downstairs to meet her.

"Aren't you ready yet?" said Fatima as Cass opened the door.

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