Chapter 39

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"Just a mild concussion," said the nurse. "The bruise on your forehead would fade in a few days, nothing to worry about."

"Thank you." Cass managed a small tired smile. She raised her collar up to hide her neck. She was sure there were bruises there.

"Don't forget what I told you; flats over heels any day," said the nurse as she handed her a bag of ice. A white door at the other end of the hallway with the words NeoNatal Care opened with a soft ping as a doctor walked out.

Cass managed another smile and pressed the bag to her face. "Yes, flats. I'll remember." She had told the nurse she had been wearing heels when she fell down a flight of stairs.

"Great," said the nurse, smiling as she put her hands in her pocket. Her name tag read Titi. She raised her head and stared at the hallway behind Cass, her smile growing wider.

Cass followed her gaze and turned around. Victor was walking towards them, hands in pockets, his stride slow and measured. He gave the nurse a small smile and gave her a small nod. Nurse Titi giggled and practically skipped away. Cass wasn't surprised anymore. She knew Victor had that effect on the female folk.

"Hey," said Cass.

"Hey," he said. "How do you feel?" He pulled his hands out of his pocket and gently ran his thumb down her jaw.

Cass smiled and closed her eyes, his hand sent tingles down her back. She opened her eyes and froze; his knuckles were red, almost purple and swollen twice their size.

She swallowed. "Victor?" She stared at his knuckles and the thought of Emeka's hand around her neck flashed through her mind. Her stomach twisted.

"Its nothing," said Victor. He thrust his hand back into his pockets and heaved a sigh. "We need to talk," he said.

"If its about Emeka, I told you -"

"No. I'm sorry that happened. I just..." He took a deep breath and tilted his head. His eyelashes fluttered slowly as he stared at her.

Cass held her breath, she wasn't sure what she was waiting for.

"I think we should end this... whatever we have." The words came out sharp and clear and brutal. It felt like being hit by a 6 feet wall of cold water.


"I want you, Cassie. I want all of you, everyday. But..."

"But what?" asked Cass her voice no more than a whisper.

He frowned slightly and turned his head towards the door of the neonatal care unit. "We don't always get what we want," he said.

Her heart froze. The bandaged cut on her forehead was now a dull throb. It suddenly became cold as if the temperature had dropped several degrees. She followed his gaze, unable to think, unable to close her mouth.

"Victor," she said. He turned to look at her, the fluorescent lighting above them caught the sharp brutal line of his jaw. "Are... Are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes," he said, matter of factly, like he was her bank manager and she was enquiring about her finances. Yes. The word tasted bitter and sounded alien. She stared at him and wondered why everything about him was a mass of painful clarity. She closed her eyes; she could still see the pale light of the fluorescent. She had an idea that if she didn't sit down soon, her body was going to do it for her. She staggered back and sank on a chair, her legs suddenly felt tired. Her eyes were searing up and she told herself she wasn't going to cry. She tried laughing instead but her throat refused to work and her face settled for a grimace.

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