Death is My BFF (Series) by katrocks247

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Death is My BFF (Series) by katrocks247

Dear Reader, The moon was full and bright, casting its white glow along the darkness, and shadowing all of the trees and creatures of the night. Conveniently, you could say, it just happened to be Halloween. Did I mention a werewolf was thirsting for a bite of… oh, you wish it was that type of story. So do I. There was a full moon, it was Halloween, and Death was searching for me. Sound like fun? Well it was, because I had been successfully avoiding him. Everything you know about Death is wrong. Death is not 'normal' or 'natural', and Death is never by any means doleful, because Death is a living, breathing creature. One who is the opposite of all of that. I assure you though, Death is in fact evil, Death is mercenary, fierce, uncontrollable, sly, invasive, tactless, pompous and of course, un-expecting. So watch your back. It seems obvious to most what "Death" would look like: a long black cloak covering not only his taut muscles, but his angelic features. His frame is stereo typically massively tall so he can loom down at any individual he deems less superior or is next victim. Hate to break it to you, but really the guy could literally anyone you meet or know in your everyday life. He can take form of anyone or anything he wishes to mimic. But don't worry reader, you have me to help you. My advice to you is never look anyone in the eyes, never tell anyone where you live, never invite anyone into your house, and never, and I mean NEVER trust anyone.

Why you ask? Because once he get's an invite into your life, he will never leave until it ends.

Forever and always, Faith Williams


It's actually a series with- Death is My BFF, Death is My BFFLAD and Death is My Frenemy- so watch out for updates :) OOH the summary just leaves chills up your spine right? The summary ^^ is for the first book so check out the others and make an opinion...with play dough. So read it or death will get ya'

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