Flirtatious by AubreyEatsHearts

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Flirtatious by AubreyEatsHearts

A little down on love since her ex-boyfriend, Karlin, ditched her, 22 years old Melissa Alexander is determined to find something better. With the help of her friends and perhaps a touch of fate, she meets 5 extremely good-looking guys: Christian, the hottest new supermodel; Rylan, who happened to have a girlfriend; Hayden, the one who wouldn’t make a move on her; Daniel, the one who made a pact with the devil, and Wes… good old Wes. Where should she even begin?


Okay. Don't think i'm a total pervert. And it's not dirty -_- but my friend read this and said she really liked so I tried it. Prre-tty good i must say. I mean, seriously, the characters are just ... woah. Woahh. Underwear model. Billionaire and bad boys rich dudes. Sexy. 

Note~ I'm sorry i haven't been updating! I know this is only a recommendations book but still. A book is a book. I've gotten lost in reading land. (You see what I did there? They say reading is like a whole new world? I got lost? GEDDIT?!?!?!)

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