08 | οκτώ

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08 | οκτώ


THE TALE OF Arachne was one that I had always found rather interesting, and had probably read it over a few times. To summarize; Arachne was some master weaver in the olden days, and apparently she was so good that she challenged Athena, who accepted. She won the contest against her and Athena was so outraged by this, that she turned her into what she was now. Mother of the spiders.

What I didn't understand was what she wanted with me. "You are coming with me." She hissed, forcefully grabbing my arm.

I pulled back, freeing myself from her horrid hands. She furrowed her eyebrows as I started to run in the opposite direction, skillfully dodging the bodies of the gods lain on the ground, none of them possessing the ability to move. "Sorry, guys. Every man for himself." I murmured to myself, knowing they wouldn't be able to hear my fleeting words.

I barely got far when a sea of spiders began to surround me, all of them trapping me in a circle. I cursed my arachnophobia, breathing heavily. "Do not make this any more difficult than it should be, alright?" She seemed unfazed by my escape attempt, a bored expression finding its way onto her face as her dull green eyes raked me over.

"What do you want from me?" I was straight to the point, showcasing no sign of weakness whatsoever even though I was confident I would shit myself because of all the spiders.

"I am only the executioner, sent by the goddess of Wisdom and War, the great Athena." She said, flailing her arms around dramatically. She brushed her fingers through her dark hair.

I felt my body stiffen, goosebumps trailing up my body as I processed her words. Executioner. She had been sent by Athena to kill me.

"W-why would you do anything Athena tells you to? She made you into this... she turned you into what you are now!" I was trying to convince Arachne to let me go, for the sake of revenge on Athena.

"You said it, my dear. Athena is the one who turned me into this thing and condemned me to Tartarus for comparing myself to a god, she is the only one who could turn me back into what I once was; a beautiful young woman. Unfortunately, she will only do it for a price. Your head, on a large bloody stick." She was now smirking viciously, and I knew that there was no way of getting out of this situation with no one to protect me.

She hissed at me, fangs sticking out as she smirked viciously, seemingly excited to rip my throat out with them.

"Listen here, you stupid bitch." A female voice echoed through the distance, causing me to sigh a breath of relief. Eris had somehow risen, her body livelier than it was before she was bitten by the spiders.

Arachne's eyes had widened, fear glistening in them. Eris' irises had transformed from their usual dark colour and into a shocking violet surprise.

She was stood in a battle stance, her palm outstretched beneath her bosom and a familiar golden apple hovering mystically above it. "Did you honestly think a little prickle from your filthy bugs would keep me down long enough for you to kill my friend?" Her eyes were glistening mischievously, a purple flame dancing in them.

I couldn't help a small smirk forming at my lips from when she called me friend.

Arachne was trying her best to seem unbothered by the goddess, although her body was betraying her by shaking nervously. She was tapping one of her spider legs against the brown floor impatiently. " – oh, my apologies. Was your little apple supposed to scare me, Iris? That's your name, isn't it?" She retorted disrespectfully, earning an insulted gasp from Eris. "Why, you little – I'll show you!" Just as the words flew past Eris' lips, her golden apple began to vibrate indicating that only trouble would follow.

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