Is He Cheating?

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Forth had been waiting outside the small cafe, near their shared apartment, for over half an hour. This seemed to be norm lately. Whenever Forth and Yo had a date set up either Yo was late or totally forgot about it. This had been happening on and off for the last 6 months but over the last month or so it had gotten worse. Yo always managed to come up with some lame excuse and it was starting to get to him. After waiting just over an hour Forth decided to head back to their home, if he should call it that anymore. Yo rarely spends any time there and when he does it's just to sleep mostly.

 Forth didn't want to think the worst but he couldn't help shake the feeling that Yo was cheating on him. Every time he would bring the topic up Yo would get angry, claiming that Forth was his one and only and how dare he think such things. Even going so far as to claim that maybe Forth doesn't love him anymore. Forth was always hurt by those words. Not once has he given Yo any reason to doubt his love for him but the other began to take it for granted. It was starting to wear him out. All the constant fights and arguments over the littlest things, which were almost aways started by Yo himself. 

They have been together for almost 5 years, starting back when Forth was a sophomore and Yo was a just a freshman in high school. Now a 2nd year engineering and a freshman science student they moved in together a month before the school year started. It had been 8 months of pure torture for Forth. It started out fine but after 2 months Yo began to change and it was greatly affecting their relationship. The problem was every time Forth thought about calling it quits he remembered all the good times he and Yo had shared together over the past years. 

They had only been together 3 months when they met each others family and were given the blessing to date. His love for Yo grew as the years went by and when they finally moved in together he couldn't of been happier. Now he was tired of all the fights, of Yo barely being there anymore and the constant fears that Yo was cheating on him. He didn't want to believe it, he loved Yo too much to think he could do such a thing, but all the signs were there and it was slowly tearing him apart. How would he cope if the only one he loved, the one he would give his life for, was really cheating on him, He's not sure he would survive such a stab to the heart.

It was now 2am on Sunday morning and Yo was still not home. Forth had not seen him since the previous morning, reminding him of their date later. He tried to sleep but was unable to rest as various thoughts ran through his head. What was worse is that Yo had not messaged Forth even to explain why his missed their date once again, not that Forth would believe him anyway. It was after 3 when Forth was able to doze off and get some shut eye. When he woke up at 11am he wasn't surprised to find the house empty. Yo hadn't returned since yesterday and he was getting quite used to it. He loved Yo more than anything which kept him holding onto him in hopes that one day he would come back to him. He didn't want to doubt Yo's love but it was very hard especially since it had been over 3 months since he last said I love you to him, and even then it didn't seem sincere. 

Don't even mention sex, it's been almost 5 months since they last had sex, Yo always claiming he was either too tired or just not in the mood. It's been 4 months since they had a proper kiss, now Yo only gives him a light peck on the cheek if he isn't rushing out the door. You can't blame him for thinking Yo was cheating, anyone would come to that conclusion, Forth just didn't have it in his heart to bring it up anymore. The last time he did Yo got so angry he left and didn't communicate with him for 3 days. 

It wasn't until late Sunday night when Yo finally arrived home. He didn't even acknowledge Forth but went straight to "their" room to sleep. As Forth stared at Yo walking up the stairs he swore there was a large dark bruise on his neck but Yo was gone before he could get a good look at it. When he was sure Yo was fast asleep he crept up to their room and saw Yo curled up on his side of the bed. Careful to not make any noises he crept over to Yo and took a lot on his neck, praying that it was just a trick of the light and there wasn't in fact a hickey on his boyfriends neck. 

Forth wasn't ready for what he saw. He had removed Yo's shirt gently, as to not disturb him while he slept, but was shocked to see not only his neck but his chest and stomach ladened with numerous hickeys, ones he sure as hell didn't provide. His heart clenched and broke into a million pieces. Here was the evidence right in front of his very eyes. Yo was indeed cheating on him with some other guy, or was it a girl. No, the hickeys were too large to be made by a girl. It was most definitely a guy who did this. 

Tears began to fall down his cheeks as the pain in his heart was overwhelming. How could Yo of done this to him? Wasn't he enough for him anymore? Forth couldn't stand to be in the same room as Yo anymore. Seeing his lover marked by someone else was slowly killing him. All the thoughts of why this was happening and what he had done to deserve this were running through his mind. Forth had been the most loving, kind, caring, considerate and loyal boyfriend so why wasn't that enough for Yo anymore he wondered. Forth grabbed a blanket and headed to the spare room to try and get some sleep. He would deal with this tomorrow for now he just wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

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