The New Player

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Beam was sitting in the lobby of the hospital, waiting on news about his Forth. It has already been 2 hours and he was seriously beginning to worry. The police had come already to ask Beam a few questions. They explained that both Yo and Pha were taken into custody and were being charged with kidnapping. One police officer, in his early 30's, stayed behind to offer Beam some comfort as both Forth and Beam's parents were out of the country. Since Beam and Forth got together their parents have been like best friends and were currently on a holiday in South Korea for 2 weeks. Beam notified them as soon as he got to the hospital so they were now on their way back home. 

As the time slowly ticked away Beam was nervous as hell, scared that Forth wasn't going to make it. How did he not see who Pha truly was all these years ago. It's like Pha was a completely different person, same with Yo. Nothing made sense anymore and it was confusing him. Luckily there was an officer, his name was Joss, who had stayed behind to offer Beam some comfort. To be honest from the moment he had laid eyes on Beam it was like falling in love. Beam's cute yet sexy body, the way he cared for Forth, even his voice drew Joss towards him. Yes he knew Beam and Forth were dating and it was killing him. He knew it wasn't right to come between these two but a small part of him was hoping that Forth wouldn't make it. He wanted to be the shoulder that Beam leans on in his time of need and maybe over time become his lover.

Several hours had passed before a doctor walked into the lobby and calling on Beam. Beam turned his head before standing up and making his way towards the doctor, unaware that Joss had followed behind him. The doctor looked at Beam briefly before speaking "Forth was in a serious condition when brought in. We were able to stabilise him but he's currently in a coma. There is no way of knowing when he will wake up, that's if he ever does. I'm sorry. You can see him now if you'd like." Beam started to cry once again. The news that Forth was alive filled him with so much happiness but it was taken away the moment he was told Forth was in a coma. 

He then followed the doctor to the room Forth was being kept in and upon seeing all the wires and tubes coming off his boyfriend he broke down again. Beam couldn't stand to see his beloved boyfriend like this, not knowing if he would ever wake up again terrified him, and refused to leave his bedside. Joss was standing just outside the room and saw the whole ordeal. He admits that coming between Beam and his boyfriend may not end well but he had to at least try. For all they know Forth may never wake up again, Joss was praying that would be the case, and Beam would need someone there by his side.

He then walked into the room and stood behind Beam before lightly tapping him on the shoulder. Beam was startled by the sudden touch and jumped right out of his seat. He slowly turned around to see Joss standing there. "You scared me" Beam said, a little out of breath. "I'm sorry" Joss said "I just wanted to let you know I was going." He then hands Beam a piece of paper with his number in it "Call me if you ever want someone to talk to. I may not understand what you are going through but I'm a good listener so if you ever want to let out some frustration I'm here for you." He then embraced Beam in a soft yet loving hug before exiting the room. 

Beam didn't know how to respond to Joss but even before he could get a chance to say anything Joss was gone. He held the small piece of paper in his hand, wondering if he should do anything. As he sat there next to Forth he wondered how his boyfriend would feel about this. He knew Forth could be a little over possessive but that's just because he truly loved Beam. After some time Beam decided to throw the number away, he had his friends and family to talk to if needed, not some complete stranger he just met. 

It wasn't until mid morning the next day that both sets of parents had arrived. Beam's mother and father went to console their son while Forth's parents stood by their son and cried. They were told Forth may never wake from his coma and it scared them. What shocked them the most was learning the truth that both their children were kidnapped by their ex boyfriends and were now being charged with kidnapping, among other things. No one ever saw this coming. Both Yo and Pha seemed like sweet, loving boyfriends so was even more surprised to find out they had been cheating. 

As time flew by it was now 2 months after the incident and Forth showed no signs of waking up. Beam took a couple of months off from university, with the support of his parents, and spend so much time at Forth's side praying that he would wake up. As the days kept passing the hope Beam held inside was dying a little more each day. He loved Forth more than anything and even though they had only been together a few months he was sure Forth was the one. Not once in that time had Beam thought of Joss, it was like he never existed. However Joss hadn't forgotten Beam at all. In fact his little obsession grew a little more each day.

He was initially sad that Beam never called him but he figured Beam just needed time with his family and friends during this difficult time. That didn't stop him keeping tabs on Beam at all times. Being a police officer had its advantages. When two months had gone by Joss decided to visit Beam in the hospital, hoping he could start to worm his way into Beam's life and slowly turn his love away from Forth and unto himself. He knew it wouldn't be easy but with time and dedication he felt he would be able to win Beam's love and finally claim him. If Forth ever woke up he would find his Beam in the arms of another, someone more deserving Joss thought to himself. 

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