Chapter 19

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Clementine's P.O.V

As Louis helps me up, pushing the warm comforting layer of safety of my body, he grabs onto my lifeless cadaver pulling me into an embrace, I feel his hand travel to the back of my head gently rubbing, looking me in the eyes, it's like we're frozen in time, but I knew our refined moment couldn't last for ever.
Nothing ever does.

"Clem, you can hear me right"?
He asks worryingly

I nod my head, he immediately tugs on my hand pulling me towards the others. Lining up, my legs begin to feel like jello, I throw the unpleasant thought straight into the trash, gritting my teeth and peering infront.

Oh god no not him.

Focusing forward I see Bates.
His slick combed blonde hair could probably be seen from Jupiter, he was pacing up and down the line, coming my way my whole body freezes in dread.
I think Louis has noticed, his eyes keep darting to mine, especially when goosebumps began to unfurl across my skin, but my angst completely overloads my mind and senses, and when he nears even closer towards us, his eyes begin to stare into mine. I feel a lump form in the back of my throat, I could feel the heat in my cheeks rise that I was so certain it would break thermometers.

"Hello hunnie". He calls out, making me cringe and whimper internally.

"Lily why is Clementine so feverish lookin"? He asks looking down at me, all I can do is stare at my feet in embarrassment.

"I- I'm not sure maybe she cought a cold or something". She stutters

He comes close, making me involuntarily let Louis's hand go, and hold my hands protectivly around my body, in the corner of my eye I can see Louis look at me in horror, then at Bates.

He was scowling.
I had NEVER seen him look so angry.

And when Bates stroked my cheek.
There was no stopping Louis.

Coming in front of me and literally removing his hand from my face, he is head to head with him, I couldn't see him that well because he was facing away, but I could tell he was not scared.

"Don't touch her". Louis spat, no hesitation in his voice, I catch a quick glimpse of the others, Lily's jaw looked like it was about to drop to the floor, the others lined up were in shook, some with there hands covering their mouth in consternation and others not sure what to do with themselves.

"And why is that boy"? He asks bluntly.

"She's sick and doesn't want your hands all over her".

"Woah woah cool your jets rambo"..."Il make sure il give the girl a check to-"

"You won't". "You won't touch her". Louis growls, his hands turning into fists, going into Bates space past the line we stood in, I could hear the gasps of everyone in the yard. My heart stopped beating for a moment, petrified of what Bates will do if Louis continued to push any further.

"Louis don't worr-"

"You piece of shi-"

"Bates I need Louis today".
Lily spits rushing her words, interrupting Louis's slander, sounding like she was pleading before things got really out of hand. The long pause kept us holding our breaths, my heart was pounding agaisnt my chest in agony. I wanted it to be over.

"Actually Lily I kind of need Louis more than you today we have a few things to clear up". He explains grimly.

"Actually I need him more, there aren't many people picking out in the orchards and I need a strong man to help out".

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