Chapter 25

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Clementine's P.O.V

Nothing but discomfort and misery can be felt.
Louis's eyes tightly shut, toughening out the lashes.
I was right there infront of him.
And I couldn't do a damn thing about it.
My throat was burning, dry from my pleading cries. I couldn't stop begging Bates to punish me instead.
But the more I shouted the harder he whipped.
Everyone was completly horrified, the younger children were weeping in the teens arms, Tanya and Robbie sprawled on the dirty dusty floor, sobbing. Even some guards were squirming in agitation.

"Bates I think the kids had enough-"

Bates shrieks at Chester, making him wince.

At that instant, I dart my eyes back to Louis.
His eyes began to close once again. But this time. He wasn't wincing. He was fainting.

"FUCKING STOP HE'S OUT COLD"!!! I scream, Bates stopping momentarily, scowling, to then resume the torture.


"She's right Sir".
"You could kill him if you carry on". Chester stepping besides Lily in agreement.

Bates stops.
Dropping the bloodied whip, Thomas passes him a small towel to wipe his blood away. Walking passed the crowds, the two men holding me back finally release me. I stumble across the floor, sobbing.

"L-louiis"? I sob uncontrollably, approaching his lifeless body, tugging onto his bindings, grunting as I snap the ropes apart. Quickly shuffling myself to catch him in my knees as he falls onto my lap.

" god..." I gently hold his head up, strocking his warm cheek.

"Louis-baby get up"... I cry, whimpering, I choke. My tears trickling onto his pale face.

The world was crumbling all around me. He wasn't moving at all, as I held on to him, I could sense people rushing over to me.
I didn't even know who was pulling him up, who was tugging on my shoulders, I was in shock.
As he was carried away, I simply sat there, looking down at my hands.
They were covered in his blood.

"Clem"? "Clementine we have to go". A soft voice whispers agaisnt my ear, it was Gen.

"Come on honey". She warmy utters, helping me to my feet.
The sun has already set.
Walking back to the yard,
I could tell it was going to be a long and diligent night.

Ashton, Omar and Assim were carefully carrying Louis back to the cell building, Lily said we were denied to send Louis to the medical ward, but she told us to return here while she and Jill went to grab some supplies from her house. Hopefully lots and lots of disinfectant.
Minnie and Violet burst the yards door open, helping the boys entry easier to pass. Tanya holding onto Robbie in her arms while Genevieve attemps to calm me, rubbing my back lovingly to stop my shivers and shakes.
Violet hurriedly pulling our blankets off the bunkbed back to avoid blood spillage, they settle Louis lightly down, his bare back on display. It was dripping in blood, open wounds pussing, his skin was ripped to pieces, my stomach wanted to hurl so badly, pulling away from Genevieve, I sprint towards the nearest corner of the yard and spill my guts out. Gen quickly coming over, pulling my curls away from my face.

"Shuuu it's okay it's okay"...
She whispers, rubbing my back.

I hear the yard door open, Lily and Jill pacing over, two bags on show, full of supplies.

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