Chapter 9: Leisure

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(Y/n) sat down at the dining table, breakfast before her sitting on a silver platter as she rubbed her bruised face. She looked at Alastor and asked him through her thoughts "Is it poisoned?" He shook his head, sending a telepathic message to her "No it isn't. If it is, I'll allow you to stab me before you die."

(Y/n) hesitantly took bites from her breakfast, still questioning why everyone was acting so weird. She then noticed that when she met Seryla, the sound of rushing footsteps were heard, but there weren't any of her parent's maids or butlers anywhere. "Odd..." she began "I clearly remember hearing rushing footsteps when I saw you, Seryla, but yet I've not seen any other maid or butler since I got here..." Gideon and Seryla looked at each other with an interesting expression.

"It was a mere distraction to make you trust them." Alastor sent another telepathic message to (y/n)'s mind. "Don't trust them too much, I told you before." (Y/n) stood up and questioned "You three are acting rather odd today. What's going on?" Gideon stuttered "W-Well We're trying not to fight with Alastor since you dislike us shouting so.." Alastor rolled his eyes and said "We are simply trying to be nice to each other for a day, that's what he's saying." (Y/n) paused before eating the last few bites of her breakfast, sceptical.

She left the dining area as Alastor escorted her out. They went to the garden and she sat on the swing. "Comfortable?" He questioned. She nodded as he pushed the swing lightly. "Are you still afraid of me?" Alastor questioned. (Y/n) nodded, knowing that an all powerful demon's kindness is very rare and precious. He chuckled as he lowered his head, his breath on her neck as he whispered "Good. You should be." Shivers went down her spine and confusion filled her head.

One minute, he's a gentlemen, and the next, he's someone she fears ever so much. She still had no idea what was going on, let alone why Alastor acts the way he does. "Why so?" She questioned, feeling brave. Alastor chuckled "Well... I can treat you like a princess and give you everything you desire if you respect me, and I can also treat you the complete opposite if I wanted to. Something like a... Sugar Daddy, if you will, without the need of money. But a Gentleman treats his lady with utmost care, so you don't need to think about me harming you for the time being."

(Y/n) sighed as she looked at the ever so charming yet sinister being. "Are you sure that you guys are just trying to make amends and not fight? Or is there something that I don't know?" (Y/n) asked. Alastor replied with a simple "Yes." And nothing else. "What does that mean? And which question are you answering?" The confused (Y/n) looked at Alastor, puzzled. "I wouldn't want to spill so much." He chuckled. "After all, it's impossible to talk about things with people eavesdropping."

As he said that, Gideon and Seryla stood up from the bush they were hiding in. "Damnit!" Seryla cursed. (Y/n) looked at them and back to Alastor. "I swear I didn't see them follow us out... how did he know?" She questioned herself. Alastor chuckled and replied "Guess the fact that I can read your mind still hasn't settled in yet, or maybe it has. Anyways, to answer your question, I knew they were there because these two slippery snakes made the bush they were hiding in rustle way more violently." When (Y/n) turned back to look at the two, she only found the remains of the trampled bramble bush.

Alastor walked over to it and whispered inaudible words, bringing the bush back to it's original state, as if it were never harmed in the first place. (Y/n) watched as the bush's leaves turned from a dead colour to a lovely shade of lively green. In awe, (Y/n) applauded. "I thought you just took life away." She laughed. Alastor walked back to her, spun her around and held her waist, as he chuckled "Well... you thought wrong princess." before vanishing from her sight.

Her heart would skip a beat every time he were to do something romantic and out of the blue from his prim-and-proper collected state. She began to ponder as to why her little leisure time with Alastor made her feel less... lonely. He was still keeping many things hidden from her, assuming to keep her safe and out of harm's way. She then began to wonder what kind of deal her father made with what Seryla calls the Radio Demon. What did he want from Alastor? Power? Fame? Money? Love? Or was the deal entirely about what Alastor wanted?

As (y/n) went back into her mansion, head cluttered with thoughts, a smooth voice caught her attention. "You seem to be troubled, Miss." Gideon smirked before he kissed her hand. "What were you and Seryla doing, hiding behind that bush?" (Y/n) questioned, suspicious. Gideon shrugged "Hell if I know. Seryla dragged me in on it so I kept her company. After all, the two of us have always been together, serving your family. What we were doing isn't of any concern, so don't worry too much. It's already four o'clock and I suggest that you go take a nice warm shower."

(Y/n) nodded and left Gideon, walking up the grand staircase and into her room, body still bruised. Gideon's smile turned into an annoyed frown almost instantly as he rolled his eyes. Seryla came out of hiding and stormed up to him as her voice was full of sarcasm "Oh! So hiding in the bush was my idea? I don't recall!" She too, rolled her eyes. Gideon faced her and sighed "Well, I didn't manage to think of anything clever at that moment, and transforming into the snakes we are would make it even more obvious for Alastor to stop us. We need to find a way to get rid of him. Friend or Foe, he has to go."

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