Chapter 14: Twisted

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... she couldn't seem to dig the knife into her flesh no matter how hard she pushed. She felt as if she was digging the knife into something else. She looked up to see Alastor's worried expression, his hand pierced by the blade instead of her. "A-Alastor?!" (Y/n) looked at him filled with regret. Alastor sighed and shook his head before he moved away from her, blade through his palm and out the other side.

"You know I don't like you hurting yourself...  does the answers you seek really cause you so much pain and insanity that you would die to get them? I know everything seems fuzzy, but to fill you in on everything in one shot will definitely make you even more confused than you are now." He then proceeded to painfully remove the blade from his palm, out the back of his hand. (Y/n) looked at him, tears still rolling down her cheeks for now she really didn't know what to think.

"I can't convince you to believe me, and since I am in full custody of your soul, I can do whatever I want with it. Destroy it, send it to Hell, maybe even keep you with me forever as your physical body weathers away into dust. I told you those two snakes are out to get you, and they've seemed to lead you astray. I can see it in your tearful eyes that you so desperately want to call out for help. Of course, when was I ever nice to you? Maybe to you see that I did nothing to protect you and to help you, and all I did was terrify you."

A tear seemed to leave Alastor's left eye as he continued "But If I didn't care, why didn't I just kill you there and then when I was summoned... (Y/n), you know nothing. When I tell you something, I mean it and it is for your own well being. You cannot let these fools trick you into believing their charade. So please, listen to me and trust me. I never came to hurt you, in fact, I brought you back to your house to fulfil something that your family has been dealing with for generations."

(Y/n) sighed and stood up "How can I trust any demon? All you guys are doing is confusing me with who to trust. I ask you this: should I trust the demons I've know since birth, or a demon who was summoned to kill me and somehow had associations with my father... who killed my father?" Alastor took a step back "K-Killed? You aren't suggesting that I killed your father.. are you?" (Y/n) shouted "Gideon told me that you killed him! I should've known! A demon such as yourself causing havoc and murdering so many students in my school. You most probably kill the seniors who kidnapped me as well!"

"If i didn't care for you, I wouldn't killed them, I would've let you suffer and take the beating. You really need to watch your tone with me." Alastor growled impatient. (Y/n)'s heart sank as she felt fear crawling up her back. Even though she said that he was a murderous demon, the thought of him gutting her alive made her hands shake and her feet cold. Alastor sighed and came closer, which made her cling to the wall, afraid. Sure, Alastor was slightly happy that she was afraid of him, but he knew it was for the wrong reason.

"I'm not going to hurt you. You know this (y/n)." He stated as he walked even closer to her, taking into consideration her fear level. He slowly made his way to her and gave her an assuring hug. "I know you don't remember me and the time we spent together when you were young, but I always came into your room when you were a little girl to read you a story and tuck you in. You always mistook me for someone else in your house because I never told you my name. I was just the 'red hair guy that comes and goes', the guy who 'works with daddy'. "

(Y/n) felt a hint of familiarity when he said that. She recalled a messed up memory of her when she was younger. The details were lost in time, but she remembered a figure of someone keeping her company when no one else was around. She hesitantly hugged him back saying "I don't know for sure, but I remember something along the lines of a person in my house leaving and never coming back. I don't know who it was, but now I'm thinking it was you."

Alastor let go of her and the two sat down on the cold floor next to each other. "You are correct. And I think I know why your memories are messed up in time my dear... your mind has been broken for a long duration. Do you remember when your father died?" (Y/n) paused and said "Two years ago." Alastor shook his head replying "It was ten years ago (y/n). That was when you were still in the primary section of your education. Tell me... if your father died two years ago, why can't you remember when I took care of you? I was banished after your father died, banished by Gideon and Seryla."

(Y/n) began to realise that it slowly began to make sense. Her sense of time in her mind was all corrupted and unreachable. "If you were banished after my father died, and if it were ten years ago and not two... then that explains why I didn't recognise you sooner, and why you knew where I lived, and why you didn't harm me..." Alastor wiped (Y/n)'s tears away with his finger as she began to calm down. He then stood up and held out his hand "Come... it's time we clear the confusion once and for all." She took his hand and they teleported into a dark abyss.

⊱《Sugar ⍎ Daddy》⊰  [Alastor x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now