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[name] waited patiently for david to video chat her while sitting on her bed, cross legged. her hands felt clammy from her nervousness. she wasn't sure why she was nervous, it's not like they had just met.

her and david have been talking for a total of two months now, she's considered him to be a friend.

well, not a close friend, maybe. not yet at least. she's still a bit unsure about all of their interactions.

[name] pulls her hands out from her lap to wipe her palms against the top of her bed sheets. she reaches forward to refresh her page on her macbook pro, waiting to see if anything came up.

after what felt like an interminable amount of time, a call appears on her mac, causing her to jump slightly from being startled.

[name] sucks in a quick breath of air, her finger making circles around the accept button on the dash pad of her laptop. but before she could even think about it, she accepts the call.

she's admittedly greeted by david's adorable face. he was glancing down at something before his gaze snaps up at his own laptop, eyes widening slightly.

a sideways smile appears on his face, ""

[name] laughs softly, glancing away for a quick second while running a hand through her hair, "what? did my face scar you for life?"

a small chuckle emits from his throat, "are you kidding?" david asked, smiling more, "you're gorgeous."

"stop. you're being too sweet again. that isn't like you." [name] said, shaking her head.

"hey, i don't always have to be a meanie." david pouts playfully at [name].

"i think your friends would say otherwise." [name] fingers raise up to press against her lips, trying to stifle her giggles.

the sudden action caused the smile to return to david's face, tilting his head slightly, "you definitely need to smile and laugh more often."

"and why's that?"

"because it makes you look even more beautiful than you already are."

[name] narrows her eyes at the dark haired boy, although a dark crimson blush flushed on her cheeks, "david... shut the fuck up before i actually kill you."

david laughs aloud, his head tilting back slightly in the process.

this causes a smile to form on [name]'s face, "i'm kidding, i couldn't kill you."

"because you love me too much to do that, right?"

"no. because i don't want to be hunted down by your fans and get killed."

david chuckles softly, "nah, i think it's because i'm too adorable to get rid of."

[name] raised a brow at david, sending him and emotionless expression, which causes another smile to break out on david's face, a few giggles escaping passed his lips.

"you really think the world revolves around you, huh?"

"doesn't it?"

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