Chapter 11

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It appeared normal. No exotic color took the walls, leaving them a dull shade of white. A few posters were scattered here and there. A messy bed lay dead center in the room, covers not fully on the bed. Clothes scattered the floor, leading to a closed door.

I took that to be the closet.

My eyes strayed back to the posters, wondering what was so different about them. There was writing on it that I had no hope to decipher. But there

was something else...

The pictures were moving.

The people on the stages were moving back and forth as if playing an instrument. They wandered around, mouths moving and everything. No sound

erupted from it.

I blinked. They were still moving.

Oh gosh I'm going insane.

Clayton walked in further, setting me gently on the bed. I kept my eyes on the posters, fascinated. My insanity sure was creative.

He noticed my gaze, cocking his head slightly. Maybe he didn't understand how confused I was. It was like I was in Harry Potter World. That or I was

on ecstasy.

"Oh!" Clayton exclaimed, as if something had clicked inside of his head.

I flinched slightly at the sudden noise

"These are what posters look like on the Boy's Side" He explained, though it made little sense to me "This is a band and on our side they only move.

We haven't figured out how to make them sing yet"

He looked a little ashamed.

"How are they moving?" I whispered, my eyes not leaving the miniature figures

He frowned "I don't know the mechanics."

Just then a loud crack of thunder broke out, startling us both. Clayton recovered quickly smiling down at me.

"Come on Ellie, time for bed"

Gently, Clayton took my hand and moved me further back on the bed. I noticed that as I slid, the bed didn't seem to move at all, but the cushioning

surrounded me. It felt almost like liquid, except for the fact that it began to harden.

The bed stilled at a firmness I found to be quite comfortable.

Clayton pulled back the covers, moving my legs underneath. I tried to help do something so he would touch me less, but he didn't notice. Clayton

gently set the covers down before walking over to the door way. He paused, looking back at me.

"I'm going to get something real quick"

I nodded, paralyzed with fear. The thunder struck twice before Clayton returned. The lights went out.

He made his way over to the bed, closing the door behind him. Lightning lit up the room. Clayton muttered something before coming to the edge of

the bed. He sat down, a tube in his hands.

"Sorry about this. Power doesn't usually go out nowadays. Must be a bad storm out there" He said. I couldn't see his face, but I could see his hands

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