Chapter 28~FAQ

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Hey guys, as I’ve been reading the comments, a lot of you have been asking some incredibly good questions that I’ve yet to put an answer to in the story. So I thought about it for a while and I figured that instead of struggling to find a way to get an answer to all of these, I’ll make the next chapter a FAQ

                That’s Frequently Asked Questions ;)

                These are just questions that I’ve seen from looking through the comments. I really wish I could include these in the story, but at this point, I don’t know where. Of course, some may be re-answered in the future. You never know.

                Also, I just want to say, I’ve thought about these a lot and while I may not hint it, this is how the culture is globally.

1). What happened that the boys and the girls are against each other?

                Boys and girls spend most of their childhood pinned against each other. The girls have cooties, boys are icky, small things that just turn the opposite sex into an evil creature. Growing up, the feelings are still the same. You feel as though the opposite sex is an alien—though sometimes, an attractive alien. And while there is attraction mixed into this, people still end up feeling hatred towards the opposite sex.

                This is my version of how evolution has touched humans 500 years from now. Instead of maturing past the age of cooties and germs, people have only gotten worse. To where the opposite sex is the enemy. This all makes sense in my head.

                Anyways, the hatred got so bad at one point, that sides began to form. Leaders took charge, riots started against each other. Eventually, the sexes seemed to have taken up their own properties of land. The girls claimed Euro-Asia and Africa, while the guys took the Americas.

                Currently, the story is taking place on the East Coast of the North America. Or… well what used to be the east coast of North America.

2). Why were John and Clayton so mean to Ellie?

                I’m sure most of you figured this out already, but I’ll go over it to clarify. The girls are the enemy. Boys hate them. All their lives, boys have been taught that girls are evil, soul-sucking creatures that’s main purpose on Earth is to destroy the male population. The word Leech that is used by John many times towards Ellie was inspired by the soul-sucking part.

                In case you didn’t get that!

                To put this in nerd terms, Leech is as bad as in this era as Mud blood is in the wizard world.

                To help you understand their intense, unprovoked hatred towards Ellie, I’ll explain it this way. I’m sure most of you were taught that we had nine planets in our solar system; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Well, way back when they decided Pluto wasn’t a planet, weren’t you a little upset?

                Even now, I still assume Pluto’s a planet!

                You were taught for so many years of your life that it was a planet and now someone has the audacity to say different? Well, quite frankly, you just don’t believe it.

                That’s how it is for the guys. They were taught that girls are evil. And with Ellie trying to explain that she’s not evil, they aren’t going to buy it. What if it’s all an act? Then they really are screwed.

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