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The doorbell rang just as little Jasmine stepped down from the last step on the staircase. She squealed as she realised who that could be. She ran towards the door but her mother stopped her and pulled her aside.

"You shouldn't open the door honey. It could be some stranger." Her mother spoke sweetly.

"No Ma, it's no stranger. It's Chris Bear." Jasmine piped up.

Her mother chuckled and opened the door. And lo and behold! There stood Jasmine's Chris in all his glory.

"Chris Bear!!" Jasmine shouted and ran towards him. The 18 year old opened up his arms and picked up the 8 year old in his arms.

"Princess Jasmine! How have you been?" Chris asked.

"I'm all good Chris Bear. I told Ma it was you but she won't listen." Jasmine pouted. Chris laughed as he came inside the house.

"I'm so sorry Chris I had to call you at such a short notice. You see my husband is again out on a business trip and I just now got a call from the hospital. It's an emergency. I couldn't have left her all alone." Jasmine's mother spoke up.

"It's all right Mrs.Sarma. Even I would've hated if Jasmine was left all alone. I was just moping around the house so it's not a big deal." Chris said.

After making sure everything was perfect, Mrs.Sarma kissed her daughter and asked her to be on her best behaviour. After she left, Jasmine looked up at Chris and spoke, "Can we play video games?"

Chris laughed. It always amazed him to see that Jasmine was not like other girls. She liked playing video games more than she liked playing with barbie dolls. It was not like she was a typical tomboy, but she was not a typical girly girl as well.

"Okay. Let's see who wins this time."


"But I love this movie!!" Jasmine whined.

"I thought you're more of a 'video games and cars' type of girl." Chris said and raised one eyebrow.

"I love video games! But cars.....I guess they're okay." Jasmine said uncertainly.

Chris couldn't help but laugh. She loved playing video games, but wasn't so fond of cars? What about the cars in those games?

"Now please don't disturb me. Let me watch 'Aladdin'." Jasmine said and turned her eyes towards the TV screen.

Maybe she loves the movie because the heroine's name is Jasmine, Chris thought to himself.

Halfway through the movie, Jasmine fell asleep. Chris paused the movie and picked her up in his arms. He carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. As he tucked her in and turned out to leave, Jasmine's small voice spoke up.



"You're my Aladdin, right?"

Chris bent down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes princess. I'm your Aladdin."


Jasmine was bobbing her head up and down to the music coming in from the living room where they had left the TV on. Chris had sat her up on the island and was moving around the kitchen to find something to eat.

He was acting different today. He was not his usual self. He was a bit down.

"What happened Chris Bear?"

"Nothing princess."

Jasmine frowned. "You know you can't lie to me."

Chris burst out laughing. It was always him telling her this.

"I'm moving out next month."

Jasmine didn't understand what he was trying to say. "What?"

Chris came over to her and said, "I'm moving out. As in, I'm going out of city. I'm going to live in Los Angeles from now on."

Jasmine's eyes filled with tears. "You're leaving me?"

Chris sighed. "I've to princess. I've college to attend. It's necessary."

"When will you come back?" Jasmine sniffed.

"I don't know. But I'll always make sure my princess is safe. I'll never forget you.Okay?"

"Promise?" Jasmine held out her pinky for Chris to hold.

Chris held Jasmine's little pinky and whispered. "Promise."


Chris moved out a month later. Jasmine cried a lot those first few months. He would call her up and reassure her with his soothing voice.

With time the calls became short and soon, they altogether stopped. Chris got busy with his college and Jasmine, with growing up.

Over the years, Jasmine forgot her favourite babysitter. She didn't even remember his face. As if, he became a speck of dust in a vast universe.

But she always had an empty feeling with her. Like something was missing from her life. She couldn't pinpoint what, but there was something. With time she got used to that emptiness.

Little did she know that her favourite babysitter never forgot his promise.

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