Chapter 32

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Chris's POV

I watched with wonder and adoration as Jasmine jumped out of the car and ran towards the lake house, all the while squealing like a schoolgirl. I couldn't help but laugh at her antics. It feels so good to see her happy and relaxed, that too with me. She doesn't know how much happiness it gives me to see her this comfortable with me. I've been with only a few girls in my past, but no one even comes to the same level as her. She's beyond anyone I've ever dated in my past, and I'll be damned if I let her go.

I walked out of the car and into the house. It was actually pretty old, Dad had bought this for Mom when they got married. I remember we would always come here when we were small. But after the death of Angie, we stopped coming. The house had too many memories and it hurt. But now, I want to make new memories with the girl I'm so much in love with.

I looked around the house. It was pretty clean, I had asked a cleaning crew to come and get it ready for today. I searched for Jasmine and not a minute later, she came bouncing back into the living room.

"This is soooooo amazing!" She yelled and jumped around the room. I laughed and pulled her by her waist towards me.

"Yes it is. That's why I brought you here." I said and pecked her lips. She blushed.

God those lips! I just can't get enough of them. Ever since we've first kissed, I've grown addicted to kissing her. And it's a good addiction, one I don't regret at all.

"I never knew your family owned a lake house." She said, getting comfortable in my arms. I pulled her closer and plopped down on the couch, making her fall on my lap. She tried to wriggle out of my embrace but I just held on tighter. Not to mention, her wriggling on my lap was not helping at all. Ughh.

"We've had it for a long time. We just stopped coming." I replied to her question earlier.


"The house had too many memories, and with Angie gone, we just didn't feel like coming."

"Then why did you bring me today? Not to sound rude, but I'm just curious." She asked shyly.

I smiled at her shyness and shook my head lovingly. "No matter what, this place was always good. I wanted to explore and make new memories in this house with you."

She gave me a full blown genuine smile and laid her head on my chest, hugging me to her.

We laid there for over an hour, just talking and not doing anything. Later, I took her for boating in the lake. Since we weren't prepared properly, we didn't have swimming gears with us, so couldn't go for swimming. Jasmine was a bit bummed, but I said we can come later. And we will definitely come later again. Just the thought of seeing her in a swimming suit, better yet, a bikini, gets me all giddy with excitement. Don't get me wrong, but I'm a man after all, and I can fantasize about my woman, right?

We had a late lunch and walked through the forest for a while. It was late when we decided to call it a day and head home.

When we parked in front of her house, I was a bit down. I was going out of town for 2 weeks and wouldn't see her for a while. That's why I planned today to spend as much time with her before going.

God! I'm so whipped! Ashton is going to kick my ass.

"When will I see you again?" Jasmine asked getting out of the car and moving towards my side of the car. I leaned forward a bit and kissed her nose.

"I'm going out of town for 2 weeks. I have some work to deal with."

She looked crestfallen at my admission and I wanted to pull her back into my car and take her with me. But I knew I couldn't.

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