Chapter 3

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"Make sure to stay close to me," Covey whispered just before we walked in.

The music was blaring-there was yelling and the stench of alcohol everywhere. It was literally crammed with people, wearing little to no clothes. I blushed. Keeping up with Covey was difficult as the bodies crammed against me making it hard for me to breathe.

I suddenly felt a hand reach out and grab mine, instantly I relaxed. Hands intertwined, Covey dragged me through the swarm of people. We got to a room which was much quieter. Instantly, people began shouting Covey's name. She seemed really popular around here and I watched as she did some handshake with a tall guy with blonde hair.

"Who's your little friend?" the blond haired boy asked, licking his lips and scanning my body.

I suddenly felt self conscious in the little dress I was wearing and found myself moving closer toward Covey, who instantly responded, loosening her grip from my hand and wrapping it around my waist instead. Covey glared at him and he put his hands up in surrounder, backing away.

More people came and introduced themselves to me, I waved and squeaked out my name in return. The night was going on in full swing. Covey has gone off to talk to some of her friends and I immediately felt like a nervous wreck all over again.

"Hey would you like a drink?" Some guy asked me. He held out a red cup, offering it to me.

I didn't think much of it as I took whatever alcoholic beverage and downed it. It burnt but I didn't really care. This was my first time drinking and I felt liberated. Away from the constant watchful gaze of my mother. I kept drinking, I began feeling dizzy and loopy at some point but I went on.

"Hey, you okay?" The blond guy from before asked me, I had learnt his name was Michael.

"Just peachy actually." I grinned. I stood up and everywhere was spinning around me.

"Hey steady." Michael said, catching me and supporting me.

Everything was going so fast. He led me into a different room and the next thing I knew I was in Covey's arms again, I felt warm all over and I smiled up at her, locking my gaze with her green eyes which were etched with worry.

"You have the prettiest eyes ever, you know." I mumbled, still staring into Covey's eyes.

Her hands were on my waist and I was facing her now. I saw something glimmer in her eyes and she smiled.

"Oh, so you're drunk drunk."

She smirked at me and I began giggling. Suddenly I felt the world spinning at an alarming rate. Covey seemed to be carrying me and I was bent over a toilet seat puking my guts out whilst Covey held my braids and rubbed my back.

"Go away, Covey," I mumbled my head still over the toilet,"I don't want you to see me like this."

"Oh yeah?" Covey asked, I could hear the laughter etched in her voice,"and why is that?"

I puked some more before answering.

"You're so gorgeous... and cool."

Covey laughed behind me and I puked some more. I felt weak. Covey's arms wrapped around me and I let her warmth engulf me.

Roommates (GirlXGirl) ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora