Chapter 21

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I was clutching onto the seat in front of me as the bus sped forward. I sighed deeply, shutting my eyes. Today was the day, I didn't tell anyone about it, not even Covey.

Last night was amazing, it temporarily took away the pain from today. But today was the day. And my heart was heavy as the bus I had been sitting in for two hours finally pulled to a stop.

I got out, the late November air hitting me like a slap in my face. I knew this path, I knew it like the back of my palm. Truth be told, I probably knew it even better than the back of my palm.

I turned into the graveyard, my feet on autopilot as I walked up to his grave. Setting down the flowers before my father's grave I fell to my knees.

I missed him more and more each day, although dead, he was more of a parent to me than my mother ever had been-that was all I could think about. I wasn't even aware when the tears began to fall.

Each year on the anniversary of my fathers death, my mum and I had come here together. After a few years, my mum stopped coming here and it was just me. I dared ask her why sometimes, she told me she was moving on, and I should to.

But how could I ever move on?

Knowing my father was so miserable with his life that he took it. I felt guilt for not knowing it sooner, I felt anger towards my dad for leaving me behind, to deal with this cruel world alone. But most of all, I felt pain. Pain from heartbreak and love.

For the longest time I was alone, but I knew I wasn't alone anymore. I had Covey. I stared ahead and through my tears she seemed to be standing there looking at me, she was so vivid in my imagination she seemed so real before me.


I wasn't imagining it, she really was here.

"Covey?" I asked, shocked as I rubbed the tears from my face. How had she found me here?

"I had to call your mum. It took much convincing but when it got late she finally told me where you were." Covey said as if reading my mind. She quietly fell to her knees in the dirt beside me. Wrapping her arms around my waist, she pulled me close.

I sat still sniffling quietly.

How late was it? That's when I finally realized just how dark it was, I had been here for at least a few hours.

"What's that?" I asked, reaching over to Covey.

Right above her collarbone was some writing, I squinted through my tears and could just make it out: 'Lara-Jean'.

My eyes widened in shock, I thought they might pop out of my head.

"Remember how I told you each of my tattoos hold a significance." Covey said smiling softly down at me, and I broke down in her arms all over again.

I felt warm, safe. Nothing was really okay, but I felt everything would be, just as long as I had Covey. She held me in her arms for a while, I wasn't sure how much time we stayed in that position.

"Princess, let's go home." Covey finally whispered in my ear.

I nodded my head. As we got up and walked towards her black Jeep, a small smile crept unto my face as a realization dawned over me.

I had a home, I was no longer the lost girl I had always been.

I was already home.

Covey was my home.

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