Outside The Mansion - 5

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Erica's POV

I then walk to the music room following Ellen, my maid so that I may play the piano. Earlier, Prince Christopher requested me to play some music, and the good child that I am, nodded and asked Ellen to lead us to the music room. My brother, Phoenix, that left me yesterday for some matters after introducing himself, came to check up on me and the prince, so now I have Ellen, the prince, and my brother watching me play the piano. 'You can do this!' I cheered myself, 'Your awesome at playing the piano!'

I then breathed in and stretch my fingers and checked if the piano is still working. The prince and my brother sat on the couch while Ellen stood behind my brother as they watched me as I test out the piano. I then played the song 'Love like you' in piano as I sang along as well. As I played it, memories of my past life once again returned to my mind. Tears started to form as the song ends, I quickly wipe them not looking at their direction as they slowly clap at my performance.

"That was amazing young miss!" Cheered Ellen.

"What song was that?" Prince Christopher asks.

"Love like you." I answered. I then saw at the entrance, some maids clapping silently as they watch me. I smiled at their direction as they hurriedly left in embarrasment.

Phoenix stood up and approached me as he carefully patted my head. "Did you make it?" He asks.

"No. Someone else did. They are too amazing, credits to the creater of Steven Universe..." I whispered the last part.

"Well then. Why don't we go outside. Maybe having some fresh air can help?." Ellen suggested.

'The outside? I wanna go there!' I then looked at my brother with puppy eyes.

"Sure. I need to find a tailor anyway. Is it alright with you, your highness?" Phoenix looked at Prince Christopher, waiting for his reply.

"Of course. Let's use my car." He smiled as we all walked out of the piano room.


We arrive at the village and I see lot's of stores selling lot's of things. They seem to not have a building like a mall here yet, just small or large shops in a row. They seem to make the streets here for shops, while the other for houses.

We then stopped at a tailor's shop and as brother then went inside the store. Me and prince Christopher, chaparoned by Ellen, walked around to see the shops. Prince Christopher seems to be in disguise since no one seems to realise who he is. But he's still hansome so I'm getting some glares from woman who sees us both together.

'Hmph... I'm more beautiful than you. Look at the men looking at me, their faces are blushing.' I thought.

We then stopped by at a café and ate some sweets and drank some tea, except for me. Im drinking some delicious vanilla milkshake. We then went back to the tailor's place and met up with brother.

"Did you guys enjoy yourselves?" Phoenix asked. He then patted my hed gently and we went back to the car. I sat beside the prince, as my maid and my brother sat beside each other.

"Oh! We should go see tha academy that were going to attend." Phoenix mentioned. He then told the driver to head to the academy.

"We? Don't you mean the both of us. Miss Erica can't even answer a simple question." The prince said.

"The past Erica did. I've been studying, your highness. What makes you think that I can't pass the test." I then pinched his cheeks very hard as he pushed my hand away.

"Were here." The driver announced. We then went out to see the academy.

'It seems familiar. Wait... oh. Oh no. No no no no no no! What is this! Why is the academy similar to the otome game I played in my past life! Why am I here! Is that why their names are familiar? What kind of joke is this!'

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