School life - 7

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Erica's POV

I then wore my uniform and and looked at the mirror to see me and how I look. I then look into the mirror to see a girl with silky long pastel violet hair tied into a ponytail, amber colored skin, and cold yet sharp amethyst colored eyes.

'Her face is really gorgeous but sadly she wore a lot of makeup to make herself be so called "pretty" even though she's already a beauty.'

I then adjusted my uniform to make it look neat and then went to my makeup kit and just slap myself a makeup for clowns, but still make me look pretty at the same time.

I then adjusted my uniform to make it look neat and then went to my makeup kit and just slap myself a makeup for clowns, but still make me look pretty at the same time

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

What the uniform looks like^^^ not mine, found on pinterest.

I then head down for breakfast and ate by myself.

'Sigh such a busy and hardworking family.'

I then stretched my arms and went outside. They then lead me to a car and I sat their as the driver started the engine. We then rode in silence as I looked outside to see the scenery and the people with friends walking to school together. But not in our school, no. Our school used to accept only nobles or royals but now they accept commoners but only with the highest IQ and the cleanest backgrounds can attend.

"Prince Christopher! Yoo hoo! Look at me!" A group of girls surronded him as he entered the school. He just smiled gently asked them to let him leave so that he can go to the auditorium for the welcoming ceremony. It was then my cue to leave the car.

"Prince Christopher~" I said. The girls that were fawning over Prince Christopher suddenly made way for me. I then smirked and went to Prince Christopher's side and grabbed his arm.

"Let's go to school together~" I say lovingly. He then smiled wryly as I walked with him together to the auditoriom.

'Hehehe... phase 1 complete! Now, I shall wait...'

We then sat at our sits, in the front row including the other capture targets except for my brother since he isn't a new student. The principal then finished his short speech and we then left the auditoriom to look at the board to see our classrooms. It seems that all capture targets and heroine are in the same room, I'm also there.

As I begin my way to the my classroom, A-1, I then spotted a rose colored hair fluttering in the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but notice her with another man, the secret capture target in disguise as a student, they both met as well on the first day. He is an assassin that had a very dark past and is a sadist like me and is here on school to assasinate an evil teacher, he's here to kill the teacher after graduation. The teacher that so called disapeared leaving no trace fter graduation, but at that time, the heroine still is halfway through the game.

I then elegantly arrive on time on my classroom and sat on a seat near the window displaying a cold aura.

'Sigh. I wanna make friends. Sadly, I must harden my heart in order to leave this world or i'll grow attached to it.'

Reincarnated?! The Quest To Find The Demon! ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα