Chapter 1.7

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Rui and I returned to Takano-san's house to report on the results of the investigation so far.
The first team seemed busy checking the data they had collected throughout the night.

The data the team collected is the strange sound recorded by the microphone, the temperature changed drastically, and the image recorded by the motion detector and the night vision camera. All of the data is used to determine whether there is indeed a supernatural event that occurred in the house.

Kiyoharu and Sakuya are the one is responsible for collecting data. Sakuya is an IT engineer. He had worked in large foreign companies before. So, he is very familiar with all the special electronic devices.

Kiyoharu had joined The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in the UK, before working at this detective office. That's the reason he is very experienced in investigating supernatural cases.

We gathered in living room to discuss this case.

"So, it's Fujisima Kanna, the mother who cursed the land?" Naomasa looked at the document we bought.

Naomasa has dark hair and pale skin. He is quite tall and has a slender build. He is always a reliable person and capable of doing anything. Naomasa is a lawyer and also a son of a powerful Mafia organization.

I wonder what is he doing here?

"She didn't curse this land. But, looking for her missing daughter," Kiyoharu said. "The reason is because the little girl was not buried in the family's gravestone, the mother spirit became anxious, so that her spirit wandering around to find the spirit of her daughter," Kiyoharu said while focused on reading the data on the PC screen in front of him.

Kiyoharu has light, beige-colored skin. He has feathery brown hair, with bangs that fall in front of his face. He is quite tall and lean. Compared to his appearance, Kiyoharu is a monk. At least, he as raised with high discipline in the temple. He also has a side job like Rui, but I'll leave that up to your imagination.

"We can't say this house isn't haunted, because that hateful accident happened here," Ayako said.

Ayako has chocolate brown eyes, fair glowing skin, shiny shoulder-leg caramel hair, and slender body. Her mother is a well-known designer and has a worldwide brand.

"Takano-san said about the blood smell at the Friday and according to the article from Takeuchi-sensei, that the day the mass murder happened, " I said.

"Ayako is right," Kiyoharu nodded. He turned his body from the front of the PC screen and looked at us, "Takano-san's daughter said she saw a little girl with purple limono running around in the backyard at night,"

"The temperature drops every single night the last 2 day since we doing an investigation. That's the time when the spirit becomes more active," Sakuya who was sitting beside Kiyoharu still continued reading the data.

Sakuya has a fair, light complexion and often looks either has a stoic or upset facial expression. He has icy, pale black eyes and shiny, short black hair.

Sakuya's ability to using computers is extraordinary, especially in making complex systems, applications, and also hijacking code.

"How about the poltergeist?" Rui asked while looking at Sakuya and Kiyoharu.

"We heard the knocking door and windows on the second floor, the sound of chair moved in the living room, and the sound of a little girl laughing in the backyard," Kiyoharu said seriously, "Especially at midnight. The little girl's laughter could only be heard from the second floor. When we went down to check out, the sound disappeared, but when we returned to the second floor, the sound came back,"

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