Prologue 4: The Bloodstained Castle

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When the battle is done, and you think you have won, don't dance on my grave just yet.

If you are the moon, then I am the sun.
I will not allow you to forget.

In my own time
I will take back what's mine,
For I'm not your friend.

In the dark of the night, and the shifting of tides. I will come for you then.


I don't like this building. It always looks dark even during the day. No sunlight can penetrate into the building makes the atmosphere feel scary.

The slightest sound will be echoing and out of nowhere. In the middle of the night, there is only the sound of crickets.

No one dared to walk alone at night in a long endless corridor.

But, tonight I walked alone. I have to check out the second floor if my cellphone is left there. There are still some workers and servants hanging around.

I stepped up the stairs to the second floor. Suddenly there are cold winds that pierce all over my body. I wrapped my body in both my hands and stepped into one of the rooms where I worked this afternoon.

When I will open the door, my heart beats loudly. I feel someone is watching me. I turned slowly and widened when I saw a woman standing in the hallway.

Her long hair covered her face and her blue nightgown.

I held my breath for a while. My body can't move and my voice can't get out.

I stood still as she looked at me down the hallway. I didn't know who she was, why she was there. She just stared at me. Smiling.

Then I heard a whispering voice.

"Get out of my house now !!"


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