chapter 22 ~zombie ugly

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He was so close our breath mingled
I wasn't  able to think straight

how could l possibly tell him that I was imagining his mouth on me

'You need to'


'because you don't want him thinking that your thoughts were on another man while you were eating dinner with him'

You do it

'No honey this is all you' she laughs


"Ruby" his voice was dangerously low

"I-l um I'm l was just thinking of um..." I trailed off trying to come up with a sane excuse

"Don't lie to me" allassandro whispered against my ears "now tell me"

"I was um" I cleared my throat "I-l saw you lick the uh oyster and I" l closed my eyes from embarrassment

"Look at me" he commanded

It took me a few seconds before I did but when I did immediately l got lost in his beautiful brown orbs that was seemily switching to black every second


"I was just i-imagining how it" f*ck I can't do this

His expression changed to one of realization

"Fuck" he groaned

He crashed his lips against mine and I responded

He pulled away and his lips found my kneck "Was this what you had in mind" he whispered against my skin and l moaned

My heart beat picked up and l was panting heavily

His lips trailed down just above my breast and l nearly lost it, In that moment I wasn't thinking about how fat I was his lips brought life to my boring skin and l loved it! I couldn't careless about my rolls I just didn't want him to stop his hand started trailing a little above my shirt and l wanted it higher

Wow Where is this coming from!

A stick snapped outside and with our advance hearing we heard it

He pulled away leaving me breathless as l gasped for air I couldn't seem to get my breathing under control

"Stay here" he said before walking away

My breathing was back under control as I waited in the spot he left me

Should l go look what's happening?

maybe he's in trouble

He's an alpha im sure he can handle himself

'Hes okay'

How did you-

"we need to go" allassandro interrupted my conversation

"Is everything okay?"

"Rouges" was all he said

We pulled up to his house
Wait why were we at his house


"Let's go inside I won't be long l promise" he gave me a reassuring smile

We went inside and he left me in his room while he went to go talk to his father

images of earlier flashed into my mind and I giggled like a mad woman

The way he kissed me... His touch
It all made me so dizzy what would have happened if we didn't get interrupted would l be screaming my brains out at this exact moment of pure pleasure or would he have gotten disgusted of my body and made some weird, lame excuse on why he had to leave

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