Chapter 7

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Naira's POV

There was a lot hustle and bustle
everywhere, everyone was busy with something or other.

" Manish have you kept all the things in the car that we need to take to the house?" Grandma enquired Manish

" Yes mom, don't worry" Manish
shouted from somewhere

I looked at the stairs and saw Naksh, Kartik and Keerthi coming downstairs, they all looked good.

" Omg, see my grandson is looking so good" Grandma said looking at Naksh

" Forget about me, now Naksh has came, so you're all just praising him" Kartik pretended to be hurt, his acting skill really are not good.

" No beta, it's nothing like that, I love all my children equally" Grandma says and then gets back to her work

Naksh and Keerthi giggle seeing Kartik whine like a child, Kartik just avoids me and looks directly at me, I narrow my eyes at him, he's upto no good.

I just ignore him and continues packing the gifts, that's when I felt someone poke me from behind, that would be Kartik, I have a gut feeling. I turn around and face him.

" Tina will you please put that knife down" Kartik said terrified

I looked at him confused, what was he talking about, I looked down and saw I was pointing a knife at Kartik, I initially had it to cut open some boxes, my smile immediate turns into smirk

" Hmm.. let me think about it" I said making a thinking face

" What think, just give it" Kartik tries to snatch the knife from me but I hid it behind my back

" Tina" I heard Kartik's mom calling my name, so I tried to find out where she was shouting from, but then I felt a pair of arms around me and the knife being snatched away from me.

" Now it's better, I really don't trust you after I saw beating those goons" Kartik said relieved

I just laughed and left him to his thoughts. After a while we all leave for the girl's house, it took us some time to reach there because of all the traffic. When our car entered there house, I felt nostalgic, as if I was here before, but I can't seem to remember anything, me and my forgetful mind.

We entered the house and settled on the couches while they served us snacks and drinks

" Can we meet the girl now?" Grandma asked

" Ya sure, I'll just call her" the girl's mother said

No sooner I saw the girl coming downstairs with her mother in a beautiful anarkali suite, I literally shouted, " GAYU!!!"

Everyone looked at me as if I had lost my mind, I just ignored them and hugged my best friend standing confused as hell. When she saw me clearly, she smiled excitedly and hugged me again, we are meeting after a long time.

" Omg Nai, I mean Tina what are you doing here?" She asked, yes she knows my secret, everything.

" Nothing much, but I missed you so much" I said again

" Do you know her Tina??" Grandma enquired

" Yes, she's my best friend, we're meeting after a long time, so we're just excited, please ignore us and continue what we were here for" I said awkwardly laughing and went to sit.

No sooner did I sit, I hear gayu,
" Naksh?"

Naksh has entered the house like right now, because he had some calls to attend to.

"Gayu?" Naksh also says confused

" What is happening, care to explain" Gayu's mom says

Naksh goes and stands beside Gayu,
" Grandma remember yesterday, I was denying to get married, because I love Gayatri, we had the same job in foreign, and that's how our story began" Naksh explain and holds hands with Gayu

" That's awesome!!" Grandma exclaims And everyone congratulates eachother.



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