Chapter 4

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I sent out a notification after the last update saying that I was thinking about updating twice a week. Well, I thought about it and here it is. Yay!! Mondays and Wednesdays, fingers crossed that I remember!




I never sleep well when I'm worried. Every noise made me wake, I had to check to ensure that no one was creeping into my room. Twice I got up to check that the door was still locked and that no one was hiding in the wet room. If I'd known that this was going to be my day, I would have taken the vehicle and braved the world outside this base.

But we can't change the past, so I endured a horrible day of sleep and woke feeling like death warmed up. As much as it pained me not to shower, I dressed and packed my bag quickly, eager to get going. Also, I wanted to see if anything had happened to my drunken friend.

Emerging from the room, I was surprised to see a lot of people standing around the doorway to the guest accommodation. It was a curious situation, given that I feared for my life. Had something happened?

Blyth was struggling to make the crowd disperse. When his eyes lifted, I saw genuine shock. It was a good shock, not what I was expecting.

"Oh Dahlia," He sighed happily. "I'm so glad you're okay. When I knocked on your door, I was surprised to see Captain Wells answer it. He had no recollection as to why he was in the wrong room."

Blyth frowned for a moment, glancing down at my bag.

"Is everything okay?"

"Not really. I'd like my car thanks."

"Of course."

He gestured to the stairs, we walked down them together and quickly moved towards the car park.

"Is there anything that I can do? I don't understand."

"No, there is nothing that you can do unless you haven't given me all the information I require or if you've said false things."

He hesitated, and I knew that Blyth knew more than he was telling me. Grabbing him by the lapels of his shirt, I slammed Blyth against the wall.

"Where is he?"

"Oasis," Blyth whispered. "He's been there the entire time. He just wants to be left alone."

"So, he's a man that doesn't care what his worried family thinks, that's rather horrible don't you agree?"

"It's not for me to think Dahlia. Please, let me down, and I'll give you more."

With another thump, I backed away. Blyth rubbed his neck, huffing softly.

"I didn't want to lie to you, please understand that, but Silas insisted that his location was not revealed. He said that he would call his family and talk to them and not to worry about him. This place sends everyone mad, you've not experienced even a full day here, and I'm sure that you've already figured it out. The king wants to do grand things, he wants a good future for his people, but that bridge is dangerous. I think Silas realized that when he got halfway and the alpha's started hanging around the other side. They were waiting for the bridge to be finished, waiting for us to give them a free and open door into this land. Silas didn't want that to happen, so he stopped all works. The bridge is wired with explosives, one whiff of the alphas getting too close and we have orders to blow it up."

"But surely they realized that the bridge would always attract the alphas? What level of stupid do you guys have up here?"

"Clearly too high," Blyth muttered. "But the alphas are subdued at the moment. The lookout keeps them occupied with regular feeding and the betas,"

Into The Wild ~ Book 3 ~ The Royal Blood CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now