Chapter 23: Raven Soul

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Blair's pov:

Dead. Alena was dead in the middle of the road. Her chest had a hole in it and her heart was missing.

I gasped and stumbled back. River fell to his knees and choked on a sob. His sister was gone.

I felt numb and I didn't know what to do. So I just stood there in shock.

"River I'm so sorry." I said.

"He- I-" River blubbered.

I knelt down next to him and hugged him.

"It's ok." I said.

River just cried and hugged me back.

"She was so young. I barely had time with her." River said.

"She had a good life here, she loved you." I said.

"She didn't have a good life though. Her parents abused her." River said.

I didn't know how to respond. Instead I heard something move behind River.

I looked over his shoulder and saw the evil glowing eyes of a coyote, Kades spirit animal.

His teeth were showing and he licked his choppers while looking at River.

"River we need to go." I said.

"We can't just leave her." River said.

"Coyote is in the bush." I said.

Ether he didn't hear me or didn't care because he didn't move.

"River." I said.

Coyote came out of the bush now. Growling happily as he got closer.

"River." I said louder.

"What!" He shouted.

"Run!" I said.

But he didn't move. I grabbed his arm and yanked him up but coyote had already grabbed his leg and crunched down.

River screamed.

I kicked the coyote but he just held on tighter.

Using my elements I made water flow down his throat, choking him.

He coughed and let go. I quickly pushed him away and pulled River to the car.

"What's happening?" River asked.

"Kade's attacking. We have to act fast." I said stepping on the pedal.

Once we got to Blake's I helped River in and told Rocks what happened.

"Kade's hunting you. He won't stop until he gets you." Rocks said.

"Or unless I kill him." I said while bandaging River's leg.

"Yes." Rocks said.

"Do you have the bullet?"

I quickly fished the bullet from my pocket and handed it to him.

"It's just a bullet right?" I asked.

"It had poison in it. It's now in Blake." Rocks said.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"I already cleaned and bandaged it again. His only chance is if I put Razome in it though." Rocks said frustrated.

"What's Razome?" I asked.

"A very rare herb that can draw this poison out." Rocks said.

"Do you have it?" I asked.

"No, only one person I know had it." He said.

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