Chapter 17

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After we ate lunch together at the table, Michelle declared it was time for a movie. She unlocked me from the table and led me to the couch again. I got comfortable and while she was getting the movie ready, I started on part one of my plan.

I began to move my wrist purposefully against the handcuff creating redness. Slowly during the movie, I moved it more, it beginning to chafe painfully. I had to keep quiet though as Michelle sat next to me with her hand holding my other one.

When the movie ended Michelle got up to start dinner. She said it would be our most romantic night we ever had together. I imagined she was trying to recreate what we used to have back in college. We were passionate together, but nothing we did as a couple ever seemed healthy. She was unpredictable and would accuse me constantly of cheating out of jealousy or anger when I would talk to other people.

I didn't see how this time would be any better, especially with me being held captive. Michelle didn't seem to be thinking clearly this time either. I wondered how long she was hospitalized, what medications she had been on, how she could have followed me to L.A., how she can afford all of this. If anyone was looking for her, let alone me.

As she brought me another cup of water I realized I needed to use the restroom. It had been a long time since I'd gotten up and stretched my legs as well. I asked her if I could go.

"Oh of course, just let me get this on the stove," she replied. She came over a few moments later to unhandcuff me.

"What happened to your wrist?" She asked me shocked.

"Just some chafing from wearing it for so long," I replied trying to sound like it hurt as she touched it.

"Good thing I brought a first aid kit," she said as she pulled me up by my elbow and led me towards the bedroom.

We got to the bathroom and she handcuffed me to a ring above the toilet. Then she left me for a few and came back with the second set. She handcuffed my free hand and put that one against the ring instead. Just then, there was a knock on the door. We made eye contact, her looking startled and me determined. Just as I was about to shout, she grabbed my face and covered my mouth with her hand.

"If you make any sound, I will hurt whoever knocked. I know you don't want that," she threatened. She let me go then, turned on the shower, and closed the bathroom door behind her. Both my hands were currently handcuffed and I couldn't do anything but strain to listen.

It was very hard to hear what was going on out there, but I thought it sounded like a couple offering their names and their cabin location that was just north towards the water from us. I wanted to scream so badly, but at least knowing someone else was out here helped me plan where I would head if I got out of these cuffs and got the key to the door.

I heard the front door shut agan and my heart sank. That was one opportunity gone, but hopefully there would be others.

She came back with a smile on her face, "Good girl, you didn't make me hurt anyone."

I didn't say anything back as she let my left wrist free from the handcuff. She left me again and I did my best to go to the bathroom while stuck to the wall.

"I'm all done," I yelled out as I pulled up my leggings with one hand. They got stuck though around my hips and Michelle came back to me struggling with them.

"Here, I'll help." She reached down and pulled them up correctly for me. She looked me in the eyes after and stared too long. I looked away from her, but I could still feel that she was looking at me.

"Umm, can you put me at the table this time?" I asked, trying to divert her attention. She nodded and busied herself with the keys before moving us back into the open. I noticed she had shut all the curtains in the living room as the sun had begun to set.

"Are we not going to watch the sunset tonight?" I asked, trying to sound innocent.

"Not tonight, too many watchful eyes around this neighborhood. We wouldn't want someone looking in and spoiling our time together," she replied.

I nodded to her and left it at that. She finished dinner quickly, making us some chicken and veggies. If there was one redeeming quality I couldn't fault her on, it was that she was a great cook. I had to eat with my left hand which was awkward and she cut my chicken for me rather than handing me a knife. She also poured us some wine which is drank rather quickly knowing it would help calm me a bit.

She tried to talk to me during dinner, but most of her words went unheard as I thought about other things. We finished the entire bottle of wine as well I realized after I finished another glass. I wondered how much she had and wished I had paid more attention. After we were done she went over and started a fire in the fireplace.

"I can wash the dishes for us if you'd let me." I said, desperately trying to get released from the cuffs.

"Nonsense, we have a dishwasher here," Michelle said as she began to clean the table.

"I know your wrists must hurt, so I have a little change for you." She said as we got up from the table and she moved us over to the giant rug before the fireplace. I felt excited that I was finally going to be free enough to make my escape. But she sat us down and showed me a ring on the floor with a new type of handcuff made for an ankle.

"Oh no, that's okay, that looks uncomfortable-" I started to say.

"Come on now, it'll keep your hands free." She said, grabbing my leg out from underneath me and pulling it. I wanted to fight her so badly, but I didn't. It didn't feel like the right time and the wine had made me dizzy.

She locked my ankle into the shackle and I felt my freedom moving farther away. Then she took my wrist and undid my handcuff. Both wrists were chafed and she shook her head before getting up to retrieve the first aid kit.

I couldn't sit cross legged on the floor as I normally did, so I opted to lean back against the couch with my legs straight before me. When she returned, she sat to my left and began to pull things from the kit. She took my hands in hers and rubbed some sort ointment on both wrists, humming to herself as she did it.

"Thank you," I said when she was finished. It did feel nice, but it would set back part one of my plan. My mind was trying to rework a new one, but the wine was making my thoughts scattered.

"You are welcome, hopefully you'll be free of all the cuffs soon since you've been so good," she said.

"I'd like that," I replied hopefully. She pushed the kit off the rug and moved herself onto my lap. I swallowed, suddenly nervous by her closeness.

"The last time we were on a rug like this, it was the best night of my life," she said. I recalled the same memory she was thinking of, but I wouldn't call it a good night. We made love on that rug until I had a phone call from my boyfriend at the time. When she saw the call come in, she went into a rage and broke all the plates we had brought to the cabin.

"Yes, that was a lovely time we had together," I replied, trying not to notice her fingers tracing my arm and moving up towards my shoulder.

"Don't be nervous babe." She said, "I remember all the things you like."

She leaned forward and kissed me, softly at first. Her lips grazed mine and I could feel my breath hitch in anticipation as she held the moment longer. Then she crashed her lips into mine and I let her kiss me as she wanted.

I leaned back as best I could against the couch, but with her on my lap, there wasn't anywhere for me to go.

She broke the kiss and said, "just relax."

But that statement made me anxious and I tried to push her away saying, "I'm tired, could we not do this right now?"

She looked at me with fire in her eyes, "I have waited too long for you, don't my needs mean something to you?"

"Of course, but-" I started, but she interrupted me with another kiss, pulling me down on the rug during so my back was on the floor and she was on top of me.

"Hush now, you're mine again."  

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